
2021-07-25 13:41:50 字數 2988 閱讀 9597


- (uiimage *)stretchableimagewithleftcapwidth:(nsinteger)leftcapwidth topcapheight:(nsinteger)topcapheight

- (uiimage *)resizableimagewithcapinsets:(uiedgeinsets)capinsets


- (nsimage *)stretchableimagewithsize:(nssize)size edgeinsets:(nsedgeinsets)insets;


- (nsimage *)stretchableimagewithleftcapwidth:(float)leftwidth middlewidth:(float)middlewidth rightcapwidth:(float)rightwidth;



* //保持四周一定區域畫素不拉伸,將影象擴散到一定的大小

*/- (nsimage *)stretchableimagewithsize:(nssize)size edgeinsets:(nsedgeinsets)insets


nsrect rect = nsmakerect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);

// source rects

nsrect srcrect = (nsrect);

nsrect srctopl, srctopc, srctopr, srcmidl, srcmidc, srcmidr, srcbotl, srcbotc, srcbotr;

makeareas(srcrect, &srctopl, &srctopc, &srctopr, &srcmidl, &srcmidc, &srcmidr, &srcbotl, &srcbotc, &srcbotr);

// destinations rects

nsrect dsttopl, dsttopc, dsttopr, dstmidl, dstmidc, dstmidr, dstbotl, dstbotc, dstbotr;

makeareas(rect, &dsttopl, &dsttopc, &dsttopr, &dstmidl, &dstmidc, &dstmidr, &dstbotl, &dstbotc, &dstbotr);

nsrect srcrects = ;

nsrect dstrects = ;

nsmutablearray *partimgs = [nsmutablearray arraywithcapacity:9];

for (int i=0;i<9;i++)

// draw

nsimage *resultimg = [[nsimage alloc] initwithsize:rect.size];

[resultimg lockfocus];


[partimgs objectatindex:0],

[partimgs objectatindex:1],

[partimgs objectatindex:2],

[partimgs objectatindex:3],

[partimgs objectatindex:4],

[partimgs objectatindex:5],

[partimgs objectatindex:6],

[partimgs objectatindex:7],

[partimgs objectatindex:8],

nscompositesourceover, 1, no);

[resultimg unlockfocus];

return resultimg;


* //保持leftwidth,rightwidth這左右一定區域不拉伸,將寬度拉伸到(leftwidth+middlewidth+rightwidth)

*/- (nsimage *)stretchableimagewithleftcapwidth:(float)leftwidth middlewidth:(float)middlewidth rightcapwidth:(float)rightwidth

// generate the middle image

nsrect rectmiddle = nsmakerect(0, 0, middlewidth, imageheight);

nsimage *imagemiddle = [[nsimage alloc] initwithsize:rectmiddle.size];

if (imagemiddle.size.width > 0)

// generate the right image

nsrect rectright = nsmakerect(0, 0, rightwidth, imageheight);

nsimage *imageright = [[nsimage alloc] initwithsize:rectright.size];

if (imageright.size.width > 0)

// combine the images

nsimage *newimage = [[nsimage alloc] initwithsize:nsmakesize(imagewidth, imageheight)];

if (newimage.size.width > 0)

// release the images and return the new image

return newimage;



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