#define lua_version_major "5"
#define lua_version_minor "3"
#define lua_version_num 503
#define lua_version_release "3"
##主要位於lobject.h中,部分位於lstate.h#define commonheader gcobject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked
/*** union of all collectable objects (only for conversions)
*/union gcunion ;
以下通用定義#define lua_int32 int
#define luai_umem size_t
#define luai_mem ptrdiff_t
lua_tvalue 位於lobject.h#define lua_number_double
#define lua_number double
typedef unsigned char lu_byte;
typedef tvalue *stkid; /* index to stack elements */
typedef struct lua_tvalue tvalue;
typedef int (*lua_cfunction) (lua_state *l);
typedef unsigned lua_int32 lu_int32;
typedef luai_umem lu_mem;
typedef luai_mem l_mem;
typedef lu_int32 instruction;
#define tvaluefields value value_; int tt_
struct lua_tvalue ;
** union of all lua values
*/typedef union value value;
#define commonheader gcobject *next; lu_byte tt; lu_byte marked
struct gcobject ;
** header for userdata; memory area follows the end of this structure
** (aligned according to 'uudata'; see next).
*/typedef struct udata udata;
/*** ensures that address after this type is always fully aligned.
*/typedef union uudata uudata;
** header for string value; string bytes follow the end of this structure
** (aligned according to 'utstring'; see next).
*/typedef struct tstring u;
} tstring;
/*** ensures that address after this type is always fully aligned.
*/typedef union utstring utstring;
#define closureheader commonheader; lu_byte nupvalues; gcobject *gclist
typedef struct cclosure cclosure;
typedef struct lclosure lclosure;
typedef union closure closure;
typedef union tkey nk;
tvalue tvk;
} tkey;
typedef struct node node;
typedef struct table table;
** description of an upvalue for function prototypes
*/typedef struct upvaldesc upvaldesc;
/*** description of a local variable for function prototypes
** (used for debug information)
*/typedef struct locvar locvar;
/*** function prototypes
*/typedef struct proto proto;
typedef struct upval l;
} u;
} upval;
lua5 3異常機制
lua本質上利用c函式來操作lua虛擬機器。lua虛擬機器對於c來說只是在堆上的記憶體物件。lua有自己的執行物件 協程 每個協程有自己的呼叫棧。比如下面的函式 function add x,y return x y end如果x或y不能進行加法操作,在呼叫中就會產生異常。產生了異常,虛擬機器需要對...
Lua5 3遇到的坑
attempt to call a nil value global unpack 在lua 5.2和5.3的版本中,全域性的unpack函式已經被移除了,改為table.unpack,所以如果用到的第三方庫或者源 使用了unpack方法,可以在 前面加上 local unpack unpack o...
lua 5 3開發除錯環境搭建
目錄 5.1 以後就沒有很好的lua ide可用了,luastudio不錯但是小貴,發現有位仁兄寫了個 visual studio code的lua除錯外掛程式,試了一下還不錯 外掛程式原始碼 安裝lua 5.3 debug 外掛程式,在vscode中按ctrl p,輸入 ext install l...