高效能計算基準測試程式(二) MPI測試基準

2021-07-22 20:54:43 字數 2029 閱讀 7767



osu_bibw - bidirectional bandwidth test

osu_bw - bandwidth test

osu_latency - latency test

osu_put_latency - latency test for put

osu_get_latency - latency test for get

osu_put_bw - bandwidth test for put

osu_get_bw - bandwidth test for get

osu_put_bibw - bidirectional bandwidth test for put

osu_acc_latency - latency test for accumulate

osu_cas_latency - latency test for compare and swap

osu_fop_latency - latency test for fetch and op

osu_allgather - mpi_allgather latency test

osu_allgatherv - mpi_allgatherv latency test

osu_allreduce - mpi_allreduce latency test

osu_alltoall - mpi_alltoall latency test

osu_alltoallv - mpi_alltoallv latency test

osu_bcast - mpi_bcast latency test

osu_gather - mpi_gather latency test

osu_gatherv - mpi_gatherv latency test

osu_reduce - mpi_reduce latency test

osu_reduce_scatter - mpi_reduce_scatter latency test

osu_scatter - mpi_scatter latency test

osu_scatterv - mpi_scatterv latency test

osu_iallgather - mpi_iallgather latency test

osu_ialltoall - mpi_ialltoall latency test

osu_ibcast - mpi_ibcast latency test

osu_igather - mpi_igather latency test

osu_iscatter - mpi_iscatter latency test

mpirun --allow-run-as-root -h node1,node2  ..../osu-micro-benchmarks/mpi/pt2pt/osu_latency
注意不要-hostfile hostfile,如果這樣測試測試結果是本級loop


intel mpi benchmark,測試程式位於intel編譯器套件安裝路徑中,

i nt








i/version/bin64/imb_* 常用imb-mpi1


intel® mpi benchmarks user guide and methodology description

• single transfer

• parallel transfer

• collective benchmarks

三個測試程式子集中包括多項mpi options的測試,各項測試內容參考user guide 或者readme

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