1.root@ubuntu:~/wanghuan/memwatch# cat test.c
#include "memwatch.h"
int main(void)
root@ubuntu:~/wanghuan/memwatch# cat makefile
gcc -dmemwatch -dmemwatch_stdio test.c memwatch.c -o test
3.make 之後執行 ./test
root@ubuntu:~/wanghuan/memwatch# ./test
memwatch detected 2 anomalies
檢視 log內容:
4.root@ubuntu:~/wanghuan/memwatch# cat memwatch.log
started at thu feb 24 10:13:41 2011
modes: __stdc__ 64-bit mwdword==(unsigned long)
mwroundalloc==8 sizeof(mwdata)==32 mwdatasize==32
double-free: <4> test.c(23), 0x8e444c8 was freed from test.c(22)
stopped at thu feb 24 10:13:41 2011
unfreed: <2> test.c(20), 512 bytes at 0x8e44700
memory usage statistics (global):
n)umber of allocations made: 2
l)argest memory usage : 1024
t)otal of all alloc() calls: 1024
u)nfreed bytes totals : 512
double-free: <4> test.c(23), 0x8e444c8 was freed from test.c(22):test.c的第23行記憶體雙重釋放。該內存在22行已被釋放過。
unfreed: <2> test.c(20), 512 bytes at 0x8e44700 : test.c的第20行分配的記憶體沒被釋放。
0 給主人留下些什麼吧!~~
記憶體除錯 memwatch 2 解壓後可以看到memwatch.c memwatch.h test.c等檔案 2 1 首先執行源 中的事例程式,檢測是否捕捉到記憶體錯誤,具體步驟如下 linux and other nixes with gcc gcc o test dmemwatch dmemw...
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