import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#距離temp = 3.0
for i in range(1,16):
path =
x =
y =
f = open(path["path1"])
line = f.readline()
while line:
#print line,
a,b = line.split()
line = f.readline()
#print line
#string to double
x = [ int( x ) for x in x if x ]
y = [ float( y ) for y in y if y ]
#find the maxdefinition
maxdef = np.max(y)
index = np.where(y == maxdef)
id = x[index[0]]
print maxdef
#print index
print id
u =
v =
w =
f1 = open(path["path2"])
line1 = f1.readline()
while line1:
#print line,
c,d,e = line1.split()
line1 = f1.readline()
#print line
#string to double
u = [ int( u ) for u in u if u ]
v = [ int( v ) for v in v if v ]
w = [ int( w ) for w in w if w ]
#index1 = np.where(w == id)
print u[id]
print v[id]
#write data
f2 = open(path["path3"], 'a')
f2.write(str(u[id]) + ' ' + str(v[id]) + ' ' + str(temp) + '\n')
temp += 0.5
Python 讀取TXT檔案
一 開啟檔案 f open filename,access mode r buffering 1 filename 檔名 access mode 開啟方式,r讀,w寫,a追加,r w a 都是以讀寫方式開啟,rb二進位制讀,wb二進位制寫,rb wb ab 二進位制讀寫 buffering 預設值 ...
python 讀取txt檔案
txt檔案內容 1.全部讀取 file open e others 測試.txt r 開啟檔案 f all file.read 讀取所有檔案內容 print f all file.close 關閉檔案結果 2.按行讀取 file open e others 測試.txt r 開啟檔案 for lin...
python 讀取txt 檔案
filename users sr00117 desktop bom1.txt txt檔案和當前指令碼在同一目錄下,所以不用寫具體路徑 def readtxt valuelist all list alone list with open filename,r as file to read for...