Sql 語句查詢表結構

2021-07-16 03:56:53 字數 904 閱讀 2971



select name from sysobjects where xtype=』u』 and status>=0


select name from syscolumns where id=object_id(『表名』)

select a.* from sysobjects a, syscomments b where a.id = b.id and b.text like 『%表名%』


select name as 儲存過程名稱 from sysobjects where xtype=』p』


select * from master..sysdatabases d where sid not in(select sid from master..syslogins where name=』sa』)

或者select dbid, name as db_name from master..sysdatabases where sid <> 0x01


select column_name,data_type from information_schema.columns

where table_name = 『表名』


select name,

(select value from sysproperties where id = syscolumns.id and smallid=syscolumns.colid) as 描述

from syscolumns where id=object_id(『表名』)


sql查詢表結構的語句 select case when a.colorder 1 then d.name else end 表名,a.colorder 字段序號,a.name 欄位名,case when columnproperty a.id,a.name,isidentity 1 then el...


如果需要查詢表結構,sql語句能否實現呢?下面就將為您介紹查詢表結構的sql語句的寫法,希望對您學習sql語句能夠有所幫助。查詢非系統資料庫 select name from master.sysdatabases where dbid 4 選擇water資料庫下的所有表 use water sel...


select case whena.colorder 1thend.name else end as 表名,如果表名相同就返回空 syscolumns 表字段資訊表 a sysobjects d a colorder as欄位序號,a.name as欄位名,case when columnprope...