1. 有提示的安裝(所有第三方應用都可以)
3. 靜默安裝:利用runtime.getruntime().exec()intent intent = new intent(intent.action_view);
2. 靜默安裝:利用processbuilder
* install slient
** @param filepath
* @return 0 means normal, 1 means file not exist, 2 means other exception error
*/public static int installsilent(string filepath)
string args = ;
processbuilder processbuilder = new processbuilder(args);
process process = null;
bufferedreader successresult = null;
bufferedreader errorresult = null;
stringbuilder successmsg = new stringbuilder();
stringbuilder errormsg = new stringbuilder();
int result;
while ((s = errorresult.readline()) != null)
} catch (ioexception e) catch (exception e) finally
if (errorresult != null)
} catch (ioexception e)
if (process != null)
}// todo should add memory is not enough here
if (successmsg.tostring().contains("success") || successmsg.tostring().contains("success")) else
log.d("test-test", "successmsg:" + successmsg + ", errormsg:" + errormsg);
return result;
4. 靜默安裝:利用反射呼叫api-packagemanager.installpackage()private static final string tag = "test-test";
private static final int time_out = 60 * 1000;
private static string sh_path = ;
public static boolean executeinstallcommand(string filepath)
successresult = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(process.getinputstream()));
errorresult = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(process.geterrorstream()));
os = new dataoutputstream(process.getoutputstream());
os.writebytes(command + "\n");
os.writebytes("echo \"rc:\" $?\n");
string s;
while ((s = successresult.readline()) != null)
while ((s = errorresult.readline()) != null)
// handle a requested timeout, or just use waitfor() otherwise.
if (time_out > 0)
if (system.currenttimemillis() > finish)
}} else
// in order to consider this a success, we require to things: a) a proper exit value, and ...
if (process.exitvalue() != 0)
return true;
} catch (filenotfoundexception e) catch (ioexception e) catch (interruptedexception e) finally catch (ioexception e)
if (errorresult != null)
} catch (ioexception e)
if (process != null) catch (illegalthreadstateexception e) }}
}private static process runwithenv(string command, string customenv) throws ioexception
}if (customenv != null)
}string arrayenv = null;
if (envlist.size() > 0)
}process process = runtime.getruntime().exec(command, arrayenv);
return process;
* check whether a process is still alive. we use this as a ***** way to implement timeouts.
*/private static boolean isprocessalive(process p) catch (illegalthreadstateexception e)
}/** get the su file path if it exist */
private static string getsupath()
}return "su";
public static void installsilentwithreflection(context context, string filepath) );
file apkfile = new file(filepath);
uri apkuri = uri.fromfile(apkfile);
method.invoke(packagemanager, new object
}, integer.valueof(2), "com.ali.babasecurity.yunos"});
= 2;
} catch (nosuchmethodexception e) catch (exception e)
Android 靜默安裝
熱修復現狀 sophix和tinker不支援新增四大元件,amigo由於阿里收購,不再維護並且支援gradle版本過低,導致好的技術喪失,技術的悲劇 靜默安裝核心步驟 public static boolean isrootpermission string result builder.tostr...
在很多情況下,我們需要在android系統上實現應用程式的靜默安裝,但很不幸的是,從android 1.5之後google就不再提供靜默安裝的介面了。下面介紹一種比較簡單的靜默安裝實現方法。原理 使用隱藏的系統api installpackage 呼叫installpackage的應用必須是系統應用...
Android 靜默安裝 後台安裝
android實現靜默安裝其實很簡單,今天在網上找資料找半天都說的很複雜,什麼需要系統安裝許可權 呼叫系統隱藏的api 需要系統環境下編譯 需要跟systemui同程序什麼的。我不知道他們真的實現了靜默安裝沒有,反正我按照他們的方式統統都失敗了。下面我來說說我的靜默安裝實現方式,親測效果跟豌豆莢一樣...