
2021-07-16 02:01:03 字數 1788 閱讀 8631



himawaripy是乙個基於python3的小指令碼,它可以取回乙個近實時(預設10分鐘延遲)的由衛星himawari 8 (ひまわり8號)拍攝的地球作為你的桌面背景


.你可以通過修改配置檔案來改變質量 (4,8,16,20)


cd ~

git clone .git

# configure

cd ~/himawaripy/

vi himawaripy/config.py

# install

sudo python3 setup.py install

# test whether it's working


# get the installation path of himawaripy by running the command

which -- himawaripy

# set himawaripy to be called periodically

## either set up a cronjob

crontab -e

### add the line:

*/10 * * * * ## or, alternatively use the provided systemd timer

### configure

vi systemd/himawaripy.service

# replace "" with the output of the aforementioned command.

### copy systemd configuration

cp systemd/himawaripy. $home/.config/systemd/user/

### enable and start the timer

systemctl --user enable --now himawaripy.timer

# remove the cronjob

crontab -e

# remove the line

*/10 * * * * # or if you used the systemd timer

systemctl --user disable --now himawaripy.timer

rm $home/.config/systemd/user/himawaripy.

# remove the data directory

# by default, `~/.himawari`. check `output_file` variable in config.py

# in case you've changed it.

rm -rf ~/.himawari

# uninstall the package

sudo pip3 uninstall himawaripy

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