
2021-07-15 05:54:44 字數 2633 閱讀 7080



* 最小費用流 o(v * e * f)

* init: network g; g.build(v, e);

* call: g.mincost(s, t); flow=g.flow; cost=g.cost;

* 注意: spfa增廣, 實際複雜度遠遠小於o(v * e);

*/#define typef int // type of flow

#define typec int // type of dis

const typef inff = 0x3f3f3f3f; // max of flow

const typec infc = 0x3f3f3f3f; // max of dis


int e = 10010;


int n = 1010;

struct network

int mincost(int src, int sink)

d[src] = 0;

pv[src] = src;

vis[src] = 1;

for (f = 0, r = 1, que[0] = src; r != f;)

for (k = head[i]; k != -1; k = nxt[k])

}pv[pnt[k]] = i;

pe[pnt[k]] = k;}}

}if (-1 == pv[sink])

for (k = sink, mxf = inff; k != src; k = pv[k])

}flow += mxf;

cost += d[sink] * mxf;

for (k = sink; k != src; k = pv[k])

}return cost;

}void build(int v, int e)

}} g;


* 最小費用流 o(v^2 * f)

* init: network g; g.build(nv, ne);

* call: g.mincost(s, t); flow=g.flow; cost=g.cost;

* 注意: 網路中弧的cost需為非負. 若存在負權, 進行如下轉化:

* 首先如果原圖有負環, 則不存在最小費用流. 那麼可以用johnson

* 重標號技術把所有邊變成正權,以後每次增廣後進行維護,演算法如下:

* 1、用bellman-ford求s到各點的距離phi;

* 2、以後每求一次最短路,設s到各點的最短距離為dis;

* for i = 1 to v do

* phi[v] += dis[v];

* 下面的**已經做了第二步,如果原圖有負權,新增第一步即可。

*/#define typef int // type of flow

#define typec int // type of cost

const typef inff = 0x3f3f3f3f; // max of flow

const typec infc = 0x3f3f3f3f; // max of cost


int e = 10010;


int n = 1010;

struct edge

int other(int p)

typef cap(int p)

typec ecost(int p)


if (flow > 0)


}void addflow(int p, typef f)

};struct network

;bool network::dijkstra()

dis[s] = 0;

prev[s] = 0;

pre[s] = -1;

memset(vis, 0, v * sizeof(int));

for (i = 1; i < v; i++)

}if (md == infc)

for (vis[u] = 1, j = (int)net[u].size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)}}

}return infc != dis[t];

}typec network::mincost(int ss, int tt)

for (i = (int)eg.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)

while (dijkstra())

}for (c = t; c != s; c = pre[c])

flow += ex;

cost += ex * (dis[t] + phi[t]);

for (i = 0; i < v; i++)

}return cost;

}void network::build(int nv, int ne)

return ;



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