
2021-07-15 03:12:38 字數 4362 閱讀 1578



使用命令find dir1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum快捷目錄清單對比

def compare(source, backup): # 遞迴獲取更新專案函式

uplist =

dellist =

dircomp = filecmp.dircmp(source, backup)

only_in_left = dircomp.left_only # 源目錄新檔案或目錄

only_in_right = dircomp.right_only # 源目錄刪除了的檔案

diff_in_one = dircomp.diff_files # 不匹配的檔案,源目錄檔案發生修改

dirpath = os.path



.join(source, x))) for x

in only_in_left \

if os.path



.join(source, x)))]


.join(source, x))) for x

in diff_in_one \

if os.path



.join(source, x)))]


.join(backup, x))) for x

in only_in_right \

if os.path



.join(backup, x)))]


.join(source, x))) for x

in only_in_left \

if os.path



.join(source, x)))]


.join(backup, x))) for x

in only_in_right \

if os.path



.join(backup, x)))]

if len(dircomp.common_dirs) > 0:

for item in dircomp.common_dirs:



.join(source, item)), \



.join(backup, item)))

if len(uplist) > 0:

for item in uplist:

getdir(item, source, backup)

if len(dellist) > 0:

for item in dellist:

result =

return result

def getdir(path, source, backup):

dirpath = os.path


temp = os.listdir(path)

dirs =


.join(source, x))) for x

in temp \

if os.path



.join(path, x)))]


.join(path, x))) for x

in temp \

if os.path



.join(path, x)))]

for item in dirs:

getdir(item, source, backup)

def update(source, backup, updatefiles, updatedirs):

source_path = os.path


print("begin create new directories...")

for item in updatedirs:


print("begin update files...")

for item in updatefiles:

backfile = re.sub(source, backup, item)

shutil.copyfile(item, backfile)

def delete(deletefiles, deletedirs):

print("begin to delete file...")

for item in deletefiles:


print("begin to delete directories...")

for item in deletedirs:



def main():

if len(sys.argv) > 2:

dir1 = sys.argv[1]

dir2 = sys.argv[2]

if not dir1.endswith("/"): dir1 = dir1 + "/"

if not dir2.endswith("/"): dir2 = dir2 + "/"


print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] + "datadir backupdir")


result = compare(dir1, dir2)

updatefiles = result["updatefiles"]

updatedirs = result["updatedirs"]

deletefiles = result["deletefiles"]

deletedirs = result["deletedirs"]

delete(deletefiles, deletedirs)

update(dir1, dir2, updatefiles, updatedirs)

print("files need to update:" + str(updatefiles))

print("directory need to create:" + str(updatedirs))

print("files need to delete:" + str(deletefiles))

print("directory need to delete:" + str(deletedirs))

if __name__ == "__main__":



python模組詳解 filecmp

簡介 filecmp是python內建的乙個模組,用於比較檔案及資料夾的內容,它是乙個輕量級的工具,使用非常簡單 兩個主要的方法 比較兩個檔案的內容是否匹配。引數f1,f2指定要比較的檔案的路徑。可選引數shallow指定比較檔案時是否需要考慮檔案本身的屬性 通過os.stat函式可以獲得檔案屬性 ...

Python模組filecmp 檔案比較

filecmp模組用於比較檔案及資料夾的內容,它是乙個輕量級的工具,使用非常簡單。python標準庫還提供了difflib模組用於比較檔案的內容。關於difflib模組,且聽下回分解。filecmp定義了兩個函式,用於方便地比較檔案與資料夾 filecmp.cmp f1,f2 shallow 比較兩...

通過Python模組filecmp 對檔案比較

filecmp定義了兩個函式,用於方便地比較檔案與資料夾 filecmp.cmp f1,f2 shallow 比較兩個檔案的內容是否匹配。引數f1,f2指定要比較的檔案的路徑。可選引數shallow指定比較檔案時是否需要考慮檔案本身的屬性 通過 os.stat函式可以獲得檔案屬性 如果檔案內容匹配,...