178 無法連線遠端伺服器mysql資料庫

2021-07-14 05:32:46 字數 835 閱讀 2033



error 2003 (hy000): can't connect to mysql server on

"host" (111)

vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf

# instead of skip-networking the default

is now to listen only on

# localhost which is more compatible and

isnot less secure.

#bind-address = 127.0




報錯:1130-host ... is not allowed to connect to this mysql server
可能是你的帳號不允許從遠端登陸,只能在localhost。這個時候只要在localhost的那台電腦,登入mysql後,更改 「mysql」 資料庫裡的 「user」 表裡的 「host」 項,從」localhost」改稱」%」

mysql -u root -pvmwaremysql

>use mysql;

mysql> update user set host =

'%'where user =


mysql> flush privileges;

xshell 無法連線遠端伺服器

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雲伺服器 遠端mysql 無法連線

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