/*1.flashback query*/
select * from orders as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval ''15'' minute) where ......
select * from orders as of timestamp(systimestamp - interval ''2'' day)
select * from orders as of timestamp to_timestamp (''01-sep-04 16:18:57.845993'', ''dd-mon-rr hh24:mi:ss.ff'') where ...
select * from orders as of timestamp (sysdate - 2) where.........
/*2.flashback drop*/
1.flashback table orders to before drop;
2.如果源表已經重建,可以使用rename to子句:
flashback table order to before drop rename to order_old_version;
/*3.flashback table*/
alter table order enable row movement;
flashback table order to timestamp systimestamp - interval ''15'' minute;
flashback table order to timestamp to_timestamp('2007-09-12 01:15:25 pm','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss am')
恢復delete掉的資料 恢復5分鐘之前的資料 insert into flow task 20130115 select from flow task 20130115 as of timestamp sysdate 5 1440 恢復時間點的資料。insert into flow task 20...
Oracle 資料恢復
一 恢復drop刪除的表 flashback table tb e wear to before drop 二 恢復delete刪除的資料 1.flashback query 基於回滾段的閃回查詢 flashback query 功能 閃回到某個時間點 select from t co area a...
分為兩種方法 scn和時間戳兩種方法恢復。一 通過scn恢復刪除且已提交的資料 1 獲得當前資料庫的scn號 select current scn from v database 切換到sys使用者或system使用者查詢 查詢到的scn號為 1499223 2 查詢當前scn號之前的scn sel...