AP IExpense 雜記隨筆

2021-07-12 02:15:45 字數 1791 閱讀 4068

最近一直在做iexpense support,順便去整理一下標準的業務

--credit card transaction (信用卡事務處理表)

select * from ap_credit_card_trxns_all;


--iexpense report常用表

select * from ap_expense_report_headers_all;

select * from ap_expense_report_lines_all;

select * from ap_exp_report_dists_all;--submit之後會產生分配表

--expense item type and report template

select * from ap_expense_report_params_all;(item類別)

select * from ap_expense_reports_all;(模板)

--import to invoice(export invocie to ap)

select * from ap_invoices_inte***ce;

select * from ap_invoice_lines_inte***ce;

--concurrent program:

name:expense report export




2) function business process

expense report->|t&e expense- > audit->import

|amex expense->credit credit credit  transaction->audit->import to ap 

amex expense(這部分標準功能是不存在的,但是使用者可以手工計算錄入不同類別的line)

看到有部分客戶在這裡做了客戶化,自動計算生存personal and exchange rounding

1.personal (客戶化)

a)credit card transaction type=persona ,在ap_expense_report_line產生-amount行記錄

b)credit card transaction total amount使用者沒有 itemzite拆分完的部分,再report上會顯示business personal,實際未產生任何記錄。在匯入ap invoice時候會產生負數clear account line.

2.exchange rounding(客戶化)

a)對於外匯部分產生的小數差異,自動產生一行exchange rounding 行。

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