
2021-07-11 18:44:43 字數 1965 閱讀 6949

資料結構與演算法分析——c語言描述 第五章 分離鏈結雜湊表




typedef char* elementtype;

#ifndef _hashquad_h

#define _hashquad_h

typedef unsigned int index;

typedef index position;

struct hashtbl;

typedef struct hashtbl* hashtable;

hashtable initializetable(int tablesize);

void destroytable(hashtable h);

position find(elementtype key, hashtable h);

hashtable insert(elementtype key, hashtable h);

hashtable rehash(hashtable h);

elementtype retrive(position p,hashtable h);

int islegitimate(position pos, hashtable h);





#include#include#define mintablesize 10

enum kindofentry ;

struct hashentry ;

typedef struct hashentry cell;

struct hashtbl ;

static int hash(elementtype key, int tablesize)

static int isprime(int num)

static int nextprime(int num)

int islegitimate(position pos,hashtable h)

hashtable initializetable(int tablesize)

h = malloc(sizeof(struct hashtbl));

if (h == null)

fatalerror("out of space!!!");

h->tablesize = nextprime(tablesize);

h->thecells = malloc(sizeof(cell)*h->tablesize);

h->hasinsertednum = 0;

if (h->thecells == null)

fatalerror("out of space!!!");

for (i = 0; i < h->tablesize; i++)

return h;

}void destroytable(hashtable h)

position find(elementtype key, hashtable h)

return currentpos;

}hashtable insert(elementtype key, hashtable h)

return h;

}hashtable rehash(hashtable h)

elementtype retrive(position p, hashtable h)



#includeint main()

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