select * from (select a.*,rownum rc from 表名 where rownum<=endrow) a where a.rc>=startrow
select * from (select rownumber() over() as rc,a.* from (select * from 表名 order
by 列名) as a) where rc between startrow and endrow
3.sql server 2000資料庫分頁
select top pagesize * from 表名 where 列名 not
in(select top pagesize*page 列名 from 表名 order
by 列名) order
by 列名
4.sql server 2005資料庫分頁
select * from (select 列名,row_搜尋number() over(order
by 列名1) as 別名from 表名) as t where t.列名1>=startrow and t.列名1
select * from 表名 limit startrow,pagesize
select * from 表名 limit pagesize,offset startrow
select * from ( select * from tb_student where sid not
in(select sid from tb_student where rownum<=(currentpage-1)*pagesize)) where rownum <=pagesize;
1.oracle資料庫分頁 select from select a.rownum rc from 表名 where rownum endrow a where a.rc startrow 2.db2資料庫分頁 select from select rownumber over as rc,a.fr...
分享一下我老師大神的人工智慧教程!零基礎,通俗易懂!1.oracle資料庫分頁select from select a.rownum rc from 表名 where rownum endrow a where a.rc startrow 2.db2資料庫分頁select from select r...
1.oracle資料庫分頁 select from select a.rownum rc from 表名 where rownum endrow a where a.rc startrow 2.db2資料庫分頁 select from select rownumber over as rc,a.fr...