// golang 實現讀取exe dll apk 版本號
}// 獲取exe dll版本
func (f *fileinfo) getexeversion() (err error)
peoffset := f.unpack(byte)
if peoffset < peoffset
// 讀取從檔案開頭移位到 peoffset,第二次讀取 24 byte
_, err = file.seek(int64(peoffset), 0)
buffer = make(byte, 24)
_, err = file.read(buffer)
str = string(buffer[0]) + string(buffer[1])
if str != pe
machine := f.unpack(byte)
if machine != machine
nosections := f.unpack(byte)
opthdrsize := f.unpack(byte)
// 讀取從當前位置移位到 opthdrsize,第三次讀取 40 byte
file.seek(int64(opthdrsize), 1)
resfound := false
for i := 0; i < int(nosections); i++
}if !resfound
infovirt := f.unpack(byte)
infosize := f.unpack(byte)
infooff := f.unpack(byte)
// 讀取從檔案開頭位置移位到 infooff,第四次讀取 infosize byte
file.seek(int64(infooff), 0)
buffer = make(byte, infosize)
_, err = file.read(buffer)
nameentries := f.unpack(byte)
identries := f.unpack(byte)
var infofound bool
var suboff, i int64
for i = 0; i < (nameentries + identries); i++ )
if typet == typet ))
if !infofound
suboff = suboff & 0x7fffffff
infooff = f.unpack(byte) //offset of first fileinfo
infooff = infooff & 0x7fffffff
infooff = f.unpack(byte) //offset to data
dataoff := f.unpack(byte)
dataoff = dataoff - infovirt
version1 := f.unpack(byte)
version2 := f.unpack(byte)
version3 := f.unpack(byte)
version4 := f.unpack(byte)
version := fmt.sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", version2, version1, version4, version3)
f.version = version
return nil
}func (f *fileinfo) unpack(b byte) (num int64)
}// 獲取 apk 版本
func (f *fileinfo) getapkversion() (err error)
func init()
func main()
fmt.printf("%s", file.version)
golang學習 獲取URL
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