create table zbomcb1
cb001 char(20) not null,
cb005 char(20) not null,
cb008 numeric(16) not null
)create procedure zgetbom3level
delete from zbomcb1
declare @cb001 char(60),@cb002 char(60)--,@mq003 char(23),@la011 int--,@cb001_p char (60);
--insert into zbomcb1 select cb001,cb005,cb008 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001='211-001-3003-03-02' and mb025='p' and cb022='y'
declare my cursor --定義游標
--for (select a.mq003, a.la001,a.la011 from zfuntable('20150301','20160229') a left join invmb b on a.la001=b.mb001 where mb109='y'and mb025 !='p')
--for(select cb001,cb005,cb008 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001='211-001-3003-03-02' and mb025='m' and cb022='y' and mb109='y' )
for(select mb001 from invmb where mb025='m' and mb109='y' )
open my--開啟游標
fetch next from my into @cb002--讀取第一行資料 賦值給變數
while @@fetch_status=0
insert into zbomcb1 select @cb002,cb005,cb008 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001=@cb002 and mb025='p'
begin --開始bom二階
if(exists(select cb005 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001=@cb002 and mb025='m'))
declare @cb001_1 char(60)
declare my1 cursor
for( select cb005 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001=@cb002 and mb025='m')
open my1
fetch next from my1 into @cb001_1
while @@fetch_status=0
insert into zbomcb1 select @cb002,cb005,cb008 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001=@cb001_1 and mb025='p'
begin --開始迴圈三階
if(exists(select cb005 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001=@cb001_1 and mb025='m'))
declare @cb001_2 char(60)
declare my2 cursor
for( select cb005 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001=@cb001_1 and mb025='m')
open my2
fetch next from my2 into @cb001_2
while @@fetch_status=0
insert into zbomcb1 select @cb002,cb005,cb008 from bomcb left join invmb on mb001=cb005 where cb001=@cb001_2 and mb025='p'
fetch next from my2 into @cb001_2
endclose my2
deallocate my2
endfetch next from my1 into @cb001_1
endclose my1
deallocate my1
endfetch next from my into @cb002
endclose my --關閉游標
deallocate my --釋放游標
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