pipeline--包含了改容器要喚醒的所有任務。每乙個valve表示了乙個特定的任務。容器的pipeline還有乙個basic valve。valve可以自由新增乙個或者多個。
類似於servlet過濾器,乙個pipeline就像乙個過濾鏈,每乙個valve像乙個過濾器。跟過濾器一樣,乙個valve可以操作傳遞給它的request和response方法。讓乙個閥門完成了處理,則進一步處理流水線中的下乙個閥門,基本閥門總是在最後才被呼叫,但是會最先執行裡面的方法。 乙個容器可以實現pipeline介面。當容器的invoke方法被呼叫的時候,容器將會處理流水線中的閥門,並乙個接乙個的處理,直到所有的閥門都被處理完畢。
public final class bootstrap5
catch (exception e)
// the servlet instance
private servlet instance = null;
private string servletclass;
private loader loader;
private string name;
private ******pipeline pipeline = new ******pipeline(this);
protected container parent = null;
} @override
public synchronized void addvalve(valve valve)
public servlet allocate() throws servletexception catch (servletexception e) catch (throwable e)
} return instance;
} private servlet loadservlet() throws servletexception
loader loader = getloader();
// acquire an instance of the class loader to be used
if (loader == null)
classloader classloader = loader.getclassloader();
class classclass = null;
} catch (classnotfoundexception e)
// instantiate and initialize an instance of the servlet class itself
try catch (throwable e)
// call the initialization method of this servlet
try catch (throwable f)
return servlet;
} @override
public void invoke(request request, response response) throws ioexception,
...}這個是誰呢,這個就是下面要說的******pipeline的basic valve,它是用來呼叫真實servlet的service方法的
protected container container;
public void invoke(request request, response response,
valvecontext valvecontext) throws ioexception, servletexception else
} catch (servletexception e)
} @override
public string getinfo()
public container getcontainer()
public void setcontainer(container container)
public class ******pipeline implements pipeline
// the basic valve (if any) associated with this pipeline.
protected valve basic = null;
// the container with which this pipeline is associated.
protected container container = null;
// the array of valves
protected valve valves = new valve[0];
public void setcontainer(container container)
public valve getbasic()
public void setbasic(valve valve)
public void addvalve(valve valve)
} @override
public valve getvalves()
public void invoke(request request, response response) throws ioexception,
public void removevalve(valve valve)
// this class is copied from org.apache.catalina.core.standardpipeline
// class's
// standardpipelinevalvecontext inner class.
protected class ******pipelinevalvecontext implements valvecontext
public void invokenext(request request, response response)
throws ioexception, servletexception else if ((subscript == valves.length) && (basic != null)) else
} } // end of inner class
how tomcat works
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