this is$cat data
the first meeting of the linux system
administrator's group will be held on tuesday.
all system adminstrators should attend this meeting .
thank you for your attendance
$sed '
> n
> s/system administrator/desktop users/
> ' data
the first meeting of the linux system administrator'
s group will be held on tuesday.
all system administrator should attend this meeting.
thank you for your attendance.
the header line.
this is
thefirst data line.
this is
thesecond data line.
this is
thelast line.
$sed -n '/first/ ' data2
this is
thefirst data line.
this is
thesecond data line.
this is
thefirst data line.
《shell高階程式設計》 sed的使用
sed基本用法 sed的常用命令 sed的條件工具 root svr5 sed n p a.txt 輸出所有行,等同於cat a.txt root svr5 sed n 4p a.txt 輸出第4行 root svr5 sed n 4,7p a.txt 輸出第4 7行 root svr5 sed n...
echo mmj evan df sed s 2 g 表示式含義s 表示替換命令 表示第乙個引號前的內容 表示兩引號之間的內容 表示引號後的內容 2表示第二對括號裡面的內容 輸出結果 evan同理 echo mmj evan df sed s 1 g 輸出結果為 mmj批量修改 echo excut...
n命令簡單來說就是提前讀取下一行,覆蓋模型空間前一行,然後執行後續命令。然後再讀取新行,對新讀取的內容重頭執行sed 從test檔案中取出偶數行 root localhost cat test this is 1 this is 2 this is 3 this is 4 this is 5 roo...