option explicit
validationmode = true
interactivemode = im_batch
'on error resume next
dim mdl ' the current model
' get the current active model
set mdl = activemodel
if (mdl is nothing) then
msgbox "there is no current model"
elseif not mdl.iskindof(pdpdm.cls_model) then
msgbox "the current model is not an physical data model."
processfolder mdl
end if
' this routine copy name into code for each table, each column and each view
' of the current folder
private sub processfolder(folder)
dim tab 'running table
dim col 'running column
dim v_datatype,v_length,v_precision,v_primarykey,v_null,v_flag
dim text
dim system, file
set system = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
' open mode constants...
forreading = 1 ' open a file for reading only. you can't write to this file.
forwriting = 2 ' open a file for writing.
for each tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isshortcut then
if instr(tab.code,"cust")>0 then
for each col in tab.columns
if col.primary=true then '主鍵判斷
v_primarykey = 1
v_null= 0
v_primarykey = 0
v_null= 1
end if
v_datatype = ucase(col.datatype)
v_length = col.length '取資料型別長度
v_precision= col.precision '取資料型別精度
if instr(v_datatype,"varchar")>0 then '資料型別判別
v_datatype = 12
elseif instr(v_datatype,"decimal")>0 then
v_datatype = 3
elseif instr(v_datatype,"integer")>0 then
v_datatype = 4
end if
'if v_datatype = 4 then
' v_length =16
' v_precision = 3
'end if
text = tab.code&":"&col.code&":"&v_datatype&":"&v_length&":"&v_precision&":"&v_primarykey&":"&v_null&":"&col.code&":"&v_flag&vbcrlf
file.write text
end if
end if
output "處理結束!"
end sub
選擇資料庫型別,本文選擇oralce,點選確認,2.2 選擇相關的sql指令碼,最後點選確定,生成pdm檢視。3.1 點選report reports templates 進入report模版頁面 3.3 點選report generate reports 進入匯出頁面 3.4 進行相關配置後,在f...
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