import idaapi
import struct
(start, len, key, target):
rawinc = idaapi.dbg_read_memory(start, len)
offset = start-0x70d1a4c8
rawincbyte = bytearray(rawinc)
rawinchex = struct.unpack(', rawinc)[0]
'rawinchex is ' + str(hex(rawinchex))
rawkey = idaapi.dbg_read_memory(key, 0x6c)
rawkeybyte = bytearray(rawkey)
#rawkeyhex = struct.unpack('#print 'rawkeyhex is ' + str(hex(rawkeyhex))
#rawdex = "hello"
count = 0
offset %= 0x6c
fd = open(target, 'wb')
while (count < len):
'the count is:', count
rawincbyte[count] ^= rawkeybyte[(offset + count) % 0x6c]
count = count + 1
rawinchex = struct.pack(', rawincbyte[0],rawincbyte[1],rawincbyte[2],rawincbyte[3])
rawinchex1 = struct.unpack(', rawinchex)[0]
'rawinchex is ' + str(hex(rawinchex1))
(start, len, key, target):
rawinc = idaapi.dbg_read_memory(start, len)
"rawinc is " + rawinc
offset = start-0x70d194a4
"offset is " + str(offset)
rawincbyte = bytearray(rawinc)
#rawincbyte[0] = 0x39
#rawincbyte[1] = 0x00
#rawincbyte[2] = 0x00
#rawincbyte[3] = 0x1a
rawinchex = struct.unpack(', rawinc)[0]
'rawinchex is ' + str(hex(rawinchex))
rawkey = idaapi.dbg_read_memory(key + 0x6c, 0x6c)
rawkeybyte = bytearray(rawkey)
#rawkeyhex = struct.unpack('#print 'rawkeyhex is ' + str(hex(rawkeyhex))
#rawdex = "hello"
count = 0
offset %= 0x6c
"offset is " + str(offset)
fd = open(target, 'wb')
while (count < len):
'the count is:', count
rawincbyte[count] ^= rawkeybyte[(offset + count) % 0x6c]
count = count + 1
rawinchex = struct.pack(', rawincbyte[0],rawincbyte[1],rawincbyte[2],rawincbyte[3])
rawinchex1 = struct.unpack(', rawinchex)[0]
'rawinchex is ' + str(hex(rawinchex1))
pos = start + 0x20
mem = idaapi.dbg_read_memory(pos, 4)
len = struct.unpack(', mem)[0]
'len is ' + str(hex(len))
return int(len)
#input start is 0x78960 len is 0x200 target is c:\\xx.raw
start = askaddr(0, 'input instructor start addr in hex: ')
len = asklong(0, 'input instructor len in hex: ')
key = askaddr(0, 'input key addr in hex: ')
target = askstr('c:\\ins.txt', 'input the dump file path')
print('start is ' + str(hex(start)) + " len is " + str(len) + "key is " + str(hex(key)) + " target is " + target )
if len > 0
and start >= 0x0
and key >= 0
and target and askyn(1, 'start is 0x%0x, len is %d, enc dump to %s' % (start, len, target)) == 1:
dump14a4(start, len, key,target)
print('dump finish')
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