cordova 命令詳解

2021-07-06 01:11:01 字數 1636 閱讀 5337

cordova command [options]

global commands

create ............................. create a project

help ............................... get help for a command

project commands

info ............................... generate project information

requirements ....................... checks and print out all the requirements for platforms specified

platform ........................... manage project platforms

plugin ............................. manage project plugins

prepare ............................ copy files into platform(s) for building

compile ............................ build platform(s)

clean .............................. cleanup project from build artifacts

run ................................ run project                                        (including prepare && compile)

serve .............................. run project with a local webserver                                            (including prepare)


build -> cordova prepare && cordova compile

emulate -> cordova run --emulator

command-line flags/options

-v, --version ...................... prints out this utility's version

-d, --verbose ...................... debug mode produces verbose log output for all activity,including output of sub-commands cordova invokes

詳解:1.create 命令用來建立專案, 使用方法 cordova create chuan com.xgzkj.chuan chinaship  

在當前目錄下建立資料夾chuan,用來存放專案的**,com.xgzkj.chuan 是專案的識別符號,在src中也是包的路徑,chinaship是專案的名稱。結果:

cordova版本 Cordova 常用命令

收錄 cordova 常用命令,以便查閱。npm install g cordova 安裝 cordova npm update g cordova 更新 cordova npm info cordova 檢視 cordova 資訊 cordova platform ls list 查詢工程支援哪些...


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cordova常用命令 外掛程式

安裝 cordova npm install g cordova 建立應用程式 cordova create hello com.example.hello helloworld 新增平台 cordova platform add android cordova platform add ios 完...