Python基礎入門之(數字 字串)

2021-07-05 10:56:43 字數 2827 閱讀 3714





('meto', 'meto')

>>> title = "meaning"



>>> title








>>> s = 'a\nb\tc'

>>> s


>>> print(s)

ab c

>>> len(s)


>>> s = '\001\002\x03'

>>> s


>>> print(s)



>>> mantra ="""always look

on the bright

side of life"""

>>> mantra

'always look\non the bright\nside of life'

>>> print(mantra)

always look

on the bright

side of life

>>> s = 'hello'

>>> s[::-1]





import sys

>>> print(sys.argv)


>>> int("42"),str(42)

syntaxerror: unexpected indent

>>> int('1')

1>>> int("42")

42>>> str(42)


>>> int("42") ,str(42)

(42, '42')

>>> ord('s')

115>>> chr(115)

's'>>> int('1101', 2)

13>>> bin(13)


>>> print(bin(13))





>>> s = 'meto'

>>> l= list(s)

>>> l

['m', 'e', 't', 'o']

>>> l[2] = 'y'

>>> l

['m', 'e', 'y', 'o']

>>> s = ''.join(l)

>>> s




>>> help(s.method)

traceback (most recent call last):

file "", line 1, in


attributeerror: 'str' object has no attribute 'method'


>>> x=1234

>>> res = "integers: ...%d...%-6d...%06d" %(x,x,x)

>>> res

'integers: ...1234...1234 ...001234'


#格式化表示式: 左對齊(-)、正負號(+),補零(0)




>>> reply = """


hello %(name)s!

your age squared is %(age)s

""">>> values =

>>> print(reply % values)


hello meto!

your age squared is

40>>> vars()

, 'sys': 'sys' (built-in)>, '__loader__': , 'title':

'meaningoflfe', 'x': 1234, '__package__': none, 'res': 'integers: ...1234...1234 ...001234', '__builtins__': 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__spec__': none, 'mantra': 'always look\non the bright\nside of life'}



>>> tem = ', and '

>>> tem.format('spam', 'ham', 'eggs')

traceback (most recent call last):

file "", line 1, in

tem.format('spam', 'ham', 'eggs')

indexerror: tuple index out of range







Python基礎 數字,字串基礎語法

注意 說明這裡會有一大堆嘮叨,不想看可以直接跳過。好久沒有寫部落格了,說起來最近很忙,因為去實習了,雖然做的事不多 畢竟題主還是個渣渣 但是有時候人就是不知道自己為什麼忙。另外,最近想為乙個快要畢業的同學做一本書,所以很耗費時間還有心力,不過都是值得的。英語的問題嘛,最近有一點點長進了,開始能背背單...

python基礎1 數字 字串

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