Python 資料皆物件

2021-07-03 14:20:47 字數 1068 閱讀 8584

python 程式中的一切資料都是物件。物件包括自定義物件及基本的資料型別(如數值、字串、列表、字典)等。

# coding=utf-8

__author__ = 'z'

x = 1

y = 2

print('x:', x, id(x))

print('y:', y, id(y))

y = x

print('x:', x, id(x))

print('y:', y, id(y))

x = 5

print('x:', x, id(x))

print('y:', y, id(y))


('x:', 1, 30801560)

('y:', 2, 30801548)

('x:', 1, 30801560)

('y:', 1, 30801560)

('x:', 5, 30801512)

('y:', 1, 30801560)


assignments do not copy data — they justbind names to objects. the same is true for deletions: the statementdel xremoves the bindingofxfrom the namespace referenced by the local scope.

id(…) 返回物件的記憶體位址

id(object) -> integer

return the identity of an object. this is guaranteed to be unique among simultaneously existing objects. (hint: it』s the object』s memory address.)

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