select * from 表名 where to_days(時間欄位名) = to_days(now()); 昨天
select * from 表名 where to_days( now( ) ) - to_days( 時間欄位名) <= 1 7天
select * from 表名 where date_sub(curdate(), interval 7 day) <= date(時間欄位名)
select * from 表名 where date_sub(curdate(), interval 30 day) <= date(時間欄位名) 本月
select * from 表名 where date_format( 時間欄位名, '%y%m' ) = date_format( curdate( ) , '%y%m' )
上一月select * from 表名 where period_diff( date_format( now( ) , '%y%m' ) , date_format( 時間欄位名, '%y%m' ) ) =1
select * from `ht_invoice_information` where quarter(create_date)=quarter(now());
select * from `ht_invoice_information` where quarter(create_date)=quarter(date_sub(now(),interval 1 quarter));
select * from `ht_invoice_information` where year(create_date)=year(now());
select * from `ht_invoice_information` where year(create_date)=year(date_sub(now(),interval 1 year));
select name,submittime from enterprise where yearweek(date_format(submittime,'%y-%m-%d')) = yearweek(now());
select name,submittime from enterprise where yearweek(date_format(submittime,'%y-%m-%d')) = yearweek(now())-1;
select name,submittime from enterprise where date_format(submittime,'%y-%m')=date_format(now(),'%y-%m')
select name,submittime from enterprise where submittime between date_sub(now(),interval 6 month) and now();
select name,submittime from enterprise where date_format(submittime,'%y-%m')=date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 month),'%y-%m')
` where
') ;
select * from user where weekofyear(from_unixtime(pudate,'%y-%m-%d')) = weekofyear(now())
select *
from user
where month (from_unixtime(pudate, ' %y-%m-%d ' )) = month (now())
select *
from [ user ]
where year (from_unixtime(pudate, ' %y-%m-%d ' )) = year (now())
and month (from_unixtime(pudate, ' %y-%m-%d ' )) = month (now())
select *
from [ user ]
where pudate between 上月最後一天
and 下月第一天
where date(regdate) = curdate();
select * from test where year(regdate)=year(now()) and month(regdate)=month(now()) and day(regdate)=day(now())
select date( c_instime ) ,curdate( )
from `t_score`
where 1
limit 0 , 30
mysql 時間 mysql時間日期函式
now current timestamp 當前日期時間 current date 當前日期 current time 當前時間 date yyyy mm dd hh ii ss 獲取日期部分 time yyyy mm dd hh ii ss 獲取時間部分 date format yyyy mm d...
now current timestamp 當前日期時間 current date 當前日期 current time 當前時間 date yyyy mm dd hh ii ss 獲取日期部分 time yyyy mm dd hh ii ss 獲取時間部分 date format yyyy mm d...
時間日期處理 mysql
型別 大小 位元組 格式最小值 最大值舉例 date 4yyyy mm dd 1000 01 01 9999 12 31 1973 12 30 time 3hh mm ss 838 59 59 838 59 59 15 30 00 datetime 8yyyy mm dd hh mm ss 1000...