第四章: 建立資料庫
db_name = lx02
db_block_size = 8192
pga_aggregate_target = 30m
db_cache_size = 80m
shared_pool_size = 60m
parallel_threads_per_cpu = 4
optimizer_mode = choose
star_transformation_enabled = true
db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16
query_rewrite_enabled = true
query_rewrite_integrity = trusted
background_dump_dest = $oracle_base/admin/lx02/bdump
user_dump_dest = $oracle_base/admin/lx02/udump
core_dump_dest = $oracle_base/admin/lx02/cdump
control_files = $oracle_base/oradata/lx02/control01.ctl
undo_management = auto
undo_tablespace = rtbs
3、redo 日誌檔案的位置和大小
建庫指令碼:vi cr_db.sql
create database lx02
user sys identified by oracle
user system identified by oracle
datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/lx02/system01.dbf' size 300m
sysaux datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/lx02/sysaux01.dbf' size 100m
default temporary tablespace temp tempfile '$oracle_base/oradata/lx02/temp01.dbf' size 100m
undo tablespace rtbs datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/lx02/rtbs01.dbf' size 100m
group 1 '$oracle_base/oradata/lx02/redo01a.log' size 10m,
group 2 '$oracle_base/oradata/lx02/redo02a.log' size 10m
character set zhs16gbk;
create tablespace system datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/system01.dbf' size 400m
sat aug 20 00:26:51 2011
successfully onlined undo tablespace 1.
completed: create undo tablespace rtbs datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/rtbs01.dbf' size 100m
sat aug 20 00:26:51 2011
create tablespace sysaux datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/sysaux01.dbf' size 100m
extent management local segment space management auto online
completed: create tablespace sysaux datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/sysaux01.dbf' size 100m
extent management local segment space management auto online
sat aug 20 00:26:54 2011
create temporary tablespace temp tempfile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/temp01.dbf' size 100m
completed: create temporary tablespace temp tempfile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/temp01.dbf' size 100m
sat aug 20 00:26:55 2011
alter database default temporary tablespace temp
completed: alter database default temporary tablespace temp
sat aug 20 00:26:55 2011
alter database default tablespace system
completed: alter database default tablespace system
sat aug 20 00:27:01 2011
smon: enabling tx recovery
sat aug 20 00:27:02 2011
threshold validation cannot be done before catproc is loaded.
replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
starting background process qmnc
qmnc started with pid=13, os id=6485
sat aug 20 00:27:03 2011
completed: create database test
user sys identified by **user system identified by *datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/system01.dbf' size 400m
sysaux datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/sysaux01.dbf' size 100m
undo tablespace rtbs datafile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/rtbs01.dbf' size 100m
default temporary tablespace temp tempfile '$oracle_base/oradata/test/temp01.dbf' size 100m
group 1 '$oracle_base/oradata/test/redo01a.log' size 10m,
group 2 '$oracle_base/oradata/test/redo02a.log' size 10m,
group 3 '$oracle_base/oradata/test/redo03a.log' size 10m
character set zhs16gbk
資料字典指令碼:vi cr_dict.sql
conn system/oracle
5)建立users 表空間,作為普通使用者的預設表空間
08:08:19 sql> select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;
4 rows selected.
08:08:27 sql> col file_name for a50
08:08:37 sql> select file_id,file_name,tablespace_name from dba_data_files;
tablespace created.
08:10:41 sql> alter database default tablespace users;
database altered.
08:10:45 sql> select file_id,file_name,tablespace_name from dba_data_files;
4 rows selected.
6)新增scott 案例
08:11:45 sql> @$oracle_home/rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql
disconnected from oracle database 10g enterprise edition release - production
with the partitioning, olap and data mining options
[oracle@oracle ~]$
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