Ping 1000個包看丟跑率

2021-06-27 23:11:27 字數 806 閱讀 7622

use warnings;    

use net::ping;



for ($i = 1;$i <= 1000;$i++)

$host = $argv[0];

$p = net::ping->new("icmp");

if ($p->ping($host,5))




print "$host alive is $j\n";

print "$host lost is $k\n";



if a default timeout ($def_timeout) in seconds is provided, it is

used when a timeout is not given to the ping() method (below). the

timeout must be greater than 0 and the default, if not specified, is

5 seconds

$p->ping($host [, $timeout]);

ping the remote host an


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演算法題 1000個蘋果和10個箱子

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