protected void measurechildren(int widthmeasurespec, int heightmeasurespec)
② measurechild():為指定的子檢視進行measure操作,measurechildren()方法會呼叫此方法,原始碼如下:
protected void measurechild(view child, int parentwidthmeasurespec,
int parentheightmeasurespec)
我記得好像說過layoutparams類是個什麼情況 - -沒有詳細拿出來,layoutparams類相當重要啊,每乙個容器類都會有乙個layoutparams的內部類,乙個檢視會使用layoutparams類來封裝必要資訊告訴父容器怎麼去為自己布局,viewgroup的layoutparams以及marginlayoutparams類如下:
public static class layoutparams .
public static final int fill_parent = -1;
public static final int match_parent = -1;
public static final int wrap_content = -2;
public int width;
public int height;
public layoutanimationcontroller.animationparameters layoutanimationparameters;
public layoutparams(context c, attributeset attrs)
public layoutparams(int width, int height)
/*** @param source the layout params to copy from.
*/public layoutparams(layoutparams source)
/*** used internally by marginlayoutparams.
* @hide
protected void setbaseattributes(typedarray a, int widthattr, int heightattr)
/*** @hide
*/public void onresolvelayoutdirection(int layoutdirection)
/*** @hide
*/public string debug(string output) ";
}public void ondebugdraw(view view, canvas canvas)
protected static string sizetostring(int size)
if (size == match_parent)
return string.valueof(size);}}
/*** per-child layout information for layouts that support margins.
* see
*/public static class marginlayoutparams extends viewgroup.layoutparams else
}public marginlayoutparams(int width, int height)
/*** copy constructor. clones the width, height and margin values of the source.
* @param source the layout params to copy from.
*/public marginlayoutparams(marginlayoutparams source)
*/public marginlayoutparams(layoutparams source)
public void setmargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
/*** sets the relative margins, in pixels. a call to
* @hide
*/public void setmarginsrelative(int start, int top, int end, int bottom)
/*** returns the start margin in pixels
* @hide
*/public int getmarginstart()
/*** @hide
*/public int getmarginend()
/*** @hide
*/public boolean ismarginrelative()
/*** @hide
public void onresolvelayoutdirection(int layoutdirection)
* @hide
public void ondebugdraw(view view, canvas canvas)
③measurechildwithmargins():該函式與measurechild的唯一區別就是measure的時候會考慮把margin 以及padding作為子檢視的一部分。原始碼如下!:
protected void measurechildwithmargins(view child,
int parentwidthmeasurespec, int widthused,
int parentheightmeasurespec, int heightused)
如圖所示,為view的位置座標與父容器的關係圖,此圖 於老任的 android開發藝術探索 這本書,感興趣的同學可以去看下,以此我們來簡單介紹下view的位置引數的相關知識。首先是4個基本屬性top left right bottom 如圖,這幾個屬性,都是view相對于父容器的資訊 top 左上角...
cocoapods的安裝使用請參照 安裝cocoapods 開啟終端,輸入命令 sudo gem install cocoapods 等待幾秒後即可安裝成功。使用cocoapods,以alamofire為例 分三個步驟 1 在專案檔案關中建立podfile 檔案,podfiel檔案是 cocoapo...
ios中靜態庫與動態庫的區別 1.存在形式 靜態庫 a 和.framework 動態庫 dylib和.framework 2.使用上的不同 靜態庫 鏈結時,會完整的複製到可執行檔案中,被多次使用就會產生多分冗餘的拷貝。動態庫 鏈結時不複製,只在程式執行時由系統動態載入到記憶體中供程式呼叫,系統僅載入...