SQL SERVER 檢視使用者許可權

2021-06-27 11:00:32 字數 2401 閱讀 9697


select a.uid as uid,a.status as ustatus,a.name as uname,

b.uid as rid,b.status as rstatus,b.name as rname

from sysusers a left join sysmembers m on m.memberuid = a.uid 

left join sysusers b on b.gid = m.groupuid

where a.issqluser =1

--a.islogin =1



select b.id,b.name as tname,b.type,a.uid,c.name as uname,a.action,a.protecttype,a.columns

from sysprotects a inner join sysobjects b on a.id = b.id

inner join sysusers c on a.uid = c.uid

where a.uid > 0

或則select object_name(a.id) as tname,a.uid,c.name as uname,a.action,a.protecttype,a.columns

from sysprotects a  inner join sysusers c on a.uid = c.uid

where a.uid > 0

或則select b.name as tname,c.name as objname,

case b.type

when 'u' then 'table'

when 'p' then 'sp'

else 'other'

end as type,

case when  a.action = 26 and a.protecttype = 205 then '√' else '' end as 'references',

case when  a.action = 193 and a.protecttype = 205 then '√' else '' end as 'select',

case when  a.action = 195 and a.protecttype = 205 then '√' else '' end as 'insert',

case when  a.action = 197 and a.protecttype = 205 then '√' else '' end as 'update',

case when  a.action = 196 and a.protecttype = 205 then '√' else '' end as 'delete',

case when  a.action = 224 and a.protecttype = 205 then '√' else '' end as 'execute',

case a.protecttype

when 204 then 'grant_w_grant '

when 205 then 'grant'

when 206 then 'deny'

else 'other'  --當有other出現的時候,需要將其他的protecttype新增進去。

end as protecttype

from sysprotects a inner join sysobjects b on a.id = b.id

inner join sysusers c on a.uid = c.uid

where c.name in ('m18console')

order by tname



'grant '+ case a.action 

when 26 then 'references' 

when 193 then 'select' 

when 195 then 'insert' 

when 196 then 'delete' 

when 197 then 'update' 

when 224 then 'execute' 

else 'other' --當有other出現的時候,需要將其他的action型別新增進去。 

end +' on '+ b.name +' to '+ c.name

from sysprotects a(nolock) inner join sysobjects b(nolock) on a.id = b.id 

inner join sysusers  c (nolock)on a.uid = c.uid 

where a.uid > 0  and c.name = 'm18style'


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