bzr命令常用 by quqi99

2021-06-27 02:55:37 字數 3464 閱讀 7956

精通git, 但不怎麼熟悉bzr, 下面記錄如何使用自己的分支進行開發, 然後合併到主分支的常用bzr命令.

edit your ~/.ssh/config file (if one doesn't exist simply create a new one) and add the following:


identityfile ~/.ssh/phykey

user zhhuabj

1, creating my own copy of another branch, can see my branch in my launchpad

bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/next lp:~***x/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/lp***

bzr merge lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/next

if there is conflict, bzr resolve

once you bzr merge, but not commit, if want to merge again, it will occur 'pending merge' by 'bzr status', can remove them by below commands.

bzr revert -r 86

bzr uncommit -r 86

bzr revert --forget-merge

2, pulling my own branch into local machine

bzr branch lp:~zhhuabj/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/lp74646 quantum-gateway

3, updaing my own branch from the main branch

cd quantum-gateway && bzr pull && bzr merge

bzr info

bzr pull --remember <>

4, local operation

bzr revert .pydevproject

bzr diff > diff

bzr commit -m 'modify mtu of tunnel nic more than 1500'

bzr push lp:~***/charms/trusty/neutron-openvswitch/mtu  # --overwrite

5, merge local branch into main develop branch in launchpad.

develop branch,  lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-compute/next

stable branch, lp:charms/trusty/nova-compute

6, eg:

bzr branch lp:charm-helpers

nosetests -v tests

cat > msg << eof

commit info

eofbzr merge lp:charm-helpers

bzr uncommit

bzr commit -f ./msg

bzr push lp:~***x/charm-helpers/lp***x --overwrite

#update the code if charm-helpers has been merged

bzr merge lp:charm-helpers

python ../charm-helpers/tools/charm_helpers_sync/ -c ./charm-helpers-hooks.yaml

7, 在bzr中使用ssh,需要 ~/.gitconfig檔案中追加下列內容後,才能執行諸如命令: git clone lp:~***/+git/******

$ cat ~/.gitconfig 


email =

name =


editor = vim


username =

[url "git+ssh:"]

insteadof = lp:

8, download k8s charm code by: charm pull cs:~containers/kubernetes-master  , but it just download the code from the charm store, the real repo is 

9, create personal git repo in lp, and use lp to review code

git clone git+ssh:

# 注意,這裡有乙個坑,下面鏈結不應該有+git,並且layer-snap必須和lp裡實際的工程名字相同。

#如果有+git的話,提交pr時, 原本指定target是 但它會自動變回~zhhuabj/+git/layer-snap:master

#並且可能會報這種錯誤」'~zhhuabj/+git/layer-snap:lp1847574 is not mergeable into layer-snap:master'「

# git remote add zhhuabj git+ssh:

git remote add zhhuabj git+ssh:

git push --set-upstream zhhuabj master  #

git remote -v

git branch -a

git fetch --all

git fetch --all --prune

git checkout -b lp1847574

#modify lib/charms/layer/

git add -u

git commit -m 'test'

git commit --amend --author="zhang hua "

git push --set-upstream zhhuabj lp1847574

# propose for merging - /layer-snap/+ref/lp1847574

target repository -> other:

target branch: refs/heads/master

#target repository -> other: ~openstack-charm-testers/***stack-bundles/+git/***stack-bundles


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