-- create the user
create user xx
identified by ""
default tablespace users
temporary tablespace temp
profile default
password expire;
-- grant/revoke role privileges
grant connect to xx;
grant dba to xx;
grant exp_full_database to xx;
-- grant/revoke system privileges
grant alter any index to xx;
grant alter any table to xx;
grant create any index to xx;
grant create any table to xx;
grant create session to xx;
grant drop any index to xx;
grant drop any table to xx;
grant select any table to xx;
grant unlimited tablespace to xx;
select 'alter system kill session'''|| to_char(a.sid)||','||to_char(serial#)||'''' from v$session a
where a.username=xx;
select job,broken,what,interval,t.* from user_jobs t;
expdp switch40/switch40@orcl dumpfile = switch40_0606_1907.dmp schemas=switch40 exclude=table:\"in ('t_xx')\"
impdp switch52/switch52@orcl dumpfile = switch40_0606_1907.dmp remap_schema=switch40:switch52
建立使用者scott密碼pass,預設表空間使用的時臨時表空間temp create user scott identified by pass default tablespace scott temporary tablespace temp 建立表空間scott初始大小是5m,當表空間滿的時候...
create the user create user xx identified by default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp profile default password expire grant revoke role priv...
建立臨時表空間 create temporary tablespace test temp tempfile e oracle product 10.2.0 oradata testserver test temp01.dbf size 32m autoextend on next 32m maxs...