判斷值中是否為純數字,當然,字段型別是字元型的。方法很多,上面用了三個簡單的函式做以判斷,還是很簡單實用的。create or replace view v_isnumber as
select 'sdfu0329' col from dual
union all
select 'sdfu0329$' col from dual
union all
select 'sdfuu' col from dual
union all
select '0329' col from dual
union all
select '' col from dual
union all
select '329$' col from dual
union all
select null col from dual;
select col
from v_isnumber t
where col is not null
and translate(col, '$0123456789', '$') is null;
select col
from v_isnumber t
where regexp_like(col, '^[0-9]+$');
select col
from v_isnumber t
where col is not null
and regexp_replace(col, '[0-9]') is null;
oracle 判斷是否為數字
書寫如下函式判斷是否為數字 create or replace function isnumber c varchar2 return number isn number begin begin n to number nvl c,a exception when others then retur...
1 typeof用法 typeof的運算數未定義,返回的就是 undefined 運算數為數字 typeof x number 字串typeof x string 布林值typeof x boolean 物件,陣列 和null typeof x object 函式typeof x function ...
c 判斷 值 是否為NUll
1 null null 關鍵字是表示不引用任何物件的空引用的文字值。null 是引用型別變數的預設值。那麼也只有引用型的變數可以為null,如果int i null,的話,是不可以的,因為int是值型別的。判斷 值 是否為null.html target self c 允許使用 或!來判斷是否為nu...