if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[f_xml_lr]') and xtype in (n'fn', n'if', n'tf'))
drop function [dbo].[f_xml_lr]
goif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[f_xmlend_mark]') and xtype in (n'fn', n'if', n'tf'))
drop function [dbo].[f_xmlend_mark]
go/*--補充生成樹形資料 xml 尾部標誌
配合生成 xml 完整版函式使用
create function f_xmlend_mark(
@p_level int, --上條記錄的層次
@level int --本條記錄的層次
)returns nvarchar(800)
declare @r nvarchar(800)
set @r=''
while @p_level>@level
select @p_level=@p_level-1
/*--生成樹形資料 xml 標誌
生成樹形資料生成 xml 文件需要的必要標誌
create function f_xml_lr()
returns @re table(sid int identity,id varchar(10),level int,xml_l nvarchar(1000),xml_r nvarchar(1000))
declare @t table(id varchar(10),level int,sid varchar(8000))
declare @l int,@sid int
set @l=1
insert @t select [id],@l,id
from [tb]
where [pid]=0
while @@rowcount>0
set @l=@l+1
insert @t select a.[id],@l,b.sid+','+a.[id]
from [tb] a,@t b
where a.[pid]=b.id and b.level=@l-1
endinsert @re(xml_l)
select '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>'
union all select ''
insert @re(id,level,xml_l,xml_r)
select a.id,a.level
,space(a.level*4)+',case when b.id is null then '>' else '/>' end
from @t a left join(
select id=[id] from [tb] aa
where not exists(
select 1 from [tb] where [pid]=aa.[id])
)b on a.id=b.id
order by a.sid
select @sid=id,@l=level from @re where sid=scope_identity()
update a set xml_l=dbo.f_xmlend_mark(b.level,a.level)+a.xml_l
from @re a,@re b
where a.leveland a.sid=b.sid+1
if @l>1
update @re set xml_r=xml_r+char(13)+char(10)+dbo.f_xmlend_mark(@l,1)
where sid=@sid
insert @re(xml_l) select ''
create table [tb](id varchar(10),pid varchar(10),name varchar(20))
insert [tb] select '01','' ,'中國'
union all select '02','' ,'美國'
union all select '03','' ,'加拿大'
union all select '04','01','北京'
union all select '05','01','上海'
union all select '06','01','江蘇'
union all select '07','06','蘇州'
union all select '08','07','常熟'
union all select '09','06','南京'
union all select '10','06','無錫'
union all select '11','02','紐約'
union all select '12','02','舊金山'
select re=case
when a.[id] is null
then b.xml_l
else b.xml_l+' id="'+a.[id]+'" name="'+a.[name]+'"' +b.xml_r
endfrom [tb] a
right join f_xml_lr() b on a.[id]=b.id
order by b.sid
drop table [tb]
--drop function f_xmlend_mark,f_xml_lr
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
樹形資料生成xml if exists select from dbo.sysobjects where id object id n dbo f xml lr and xtype in n fn n if n tf drop function dbo f xml lr goif exists se...
樹形資料生成xml if exists select from dbo.sysobjects where id object id n dbo f xml lr and xtype in n fn n if n tf drop function dbo f xml lr goif exists se...
測試資料 create table project id int,name nvarchar 20 parent id int insert project select 1,所有專案 null union all select 2,專案1 1 union all select 3,專案2 1 cr...