Git clone命令使用詳解

2021-06-23 08:21:40 字數 1891 閱讀 4189

usage: git clone [options] [--] 

-v, --verbose be more verbose

-q, --quiet be more quiet

--progress force progress reporting

-n, --no-checkout don'

t create a checkout

--bare create a bare repository

--mirror create a mirror repository (implies bare)

-l, --local to clone from

a local repository

--no-hardlinks don'

t use local hardlinks, always copy

-s, --shared setup as

shared repository

--recursive initialize submodules in

the clone

--recurse-submodules initialize submodules in

the clone

--template directory


which templates will be used

--reference reference repository

-o, --origin use instead of '


'to track upstream

-b, --branch


instead of the remote'

s head

-u, --upload-pack path to git-upload-pack on the remote

--depth create a shallow clone of that depth

--separate-git-dir separate git dir


working tree

-c, --config set config inside the new repository


1. 最簡單直接的命令

git clone ***.git
2. 如果想clone到指定目錄

git clone ***.git "



3. clone時建立新的分支替代預設origin head(master)

git clone -b [new_branch_name]  ***.git
4. clone 遠端分支

git clone 命令預設的只會建立master分支,如果你想clone指定的某一遠端分支(如:dev)的話,可以如下:

a. 檢視所有分支(包括隱藏的)  git branch -a 顯示所有分支,如:


remotes/origin/head -> origin/master



b.  在本地新建同名的("dev")分支,並切換到該分支

git checkout -t origin/dev 該命令等同於:

git checkout -b dev origin/dev

git clone命令使用

git clone 命令引數 usage git clone options v,verbose be more verbose q,quiet be more quiet progress force progress reporting n,no checkout don t create a ...

git clone 命令引數

git clone 命令引數 usage git clone options v,verbose be more verbose q,quiet be more quiet progress force progress reporting n,no checkout don t create a ...

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