
2021-06-22 12:55:50 字數 1895 閱讀 3694


* 功能:提煉字串;按第二個引數為分隔符解析字串,返回由

* 引數nwhichone 指定下標(由1開始計算)處的字元位址,其

* 長度儲存在引數plength 中。

* 引數:

* const char *szsourcstring, 要解析的字串;

* char chseparator, 指定分隔符;

* int nwhichone, 指定要得到解析出來的第幾個字串;

* int *plength, 帶回解析成功後返回字串的長度。

* 返回值:

* const char *, 返回乙個找到的字元位址;如果失敗,返回null。

* 該返回值不以尾零為結束標誌,以plength 為標準。即:兩

* 個引數一起確定所得到的字串。

* * 例子:

* const char *szparam = "msgtype|buffer|process|nmlfile";

* int nlengthmsgtype = 0;

* int nlengthbuffer = 0;

* int nlengthprocess = 0;

* int nlengthnmlfile = 0;

* const char *pmsgtype = extractstring(szparam, '|', 1, &nlengthmsgtype);

* const char *pbuffer = extractstring(szparam, '|', 2, &nlengthbuffer );

* const char *pprocess = extractstring(szparam, '|', 3, &nlengthprocess);

* const char *pnmlfile = extractstring(szparam, '|', 4, &nlengthnmlfile);

* * // 結果

* pmsgtype = "msgtype|buffer|process|nmlfile";

* nlengthmsgtype = 7; // "msgtype"

* * pbuffer = "buffer|process|nmlfile";

* nlengthbuffer = 6; // "buffer"

* * pprocess = "process|nmlfile";

* nlengthprocess = 7; // "process"

* * pnmlfile = "nmlfile";

* nlengthnmlfile = 7; // "nmlfile"

*/const char * extractstring(

const char *szsourcstring, char chseparator,

int nwhichone, int *plength)

nprevindex = i + 1;

} }// 要提煉字串的位置超出實際擁有的字串

if (nwhichone > ncountsepa + 1)

return null;

pstringstart = szsourcstring + nprevindex;

pstringend =

(nendindex > 0)

? szsourcstring + nendindex

: szsourcstring + strlen(szsourcstring);

*plength = pstringend - pstringstart;

return pstringstart;


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