
2021-06-22 06:00:07 字數 1994 閱讀 6768




tar zxvf iptraf-3.0.0.tar.gz

cd iptraf-3.0.0



yum install -y iptraf

使用直接執行 iptraf


ip流量監視(ip traffic monitor)

網路介面的一般資訊統計(general inte***ce statistics)

網路介面的細節資訊統計(detailed inte***ce statistics)

統計分析(statistical breakdowns)

區域網工作站統計(lan station statistics)






[root@wdlinux iptraf-3.0.0]# iptraf -h


iptraf [ -f ] [ [ -t timeout ] [ -b ] [ -l logfile ] [-i interval] ]

issue the iptraf command with no parameters for menu-driven operation.

these options can also be supplied to the command:

-i iface - start the ip traffic monitor (use "-i all" for all inte***ces)

-g - start the general inte***ce statistics

-d iface - start the detailed statistics facility on an inte***ce

-s iface - start the tcp and udp monitor on an inte***ce

-z iface - shows the packet size counts on an inte***ce

-l iface - start the lan station monitor ("-l all" for all lan inte***ces)

-b - run in background (use only with one of the above parameters)

-t timeout - when used with one of the above parameters, tells

the facility to run only for the specified number of

minutes (timeout)

-l logfile - specifies an alternate log file for any direct invocation

of a facility from the command line. the log is placed in

/var/log/iptraf if path is not specified.

-i interval - specifies the log interval for all facilities except the ip

traffic monitor. value is in minutes.

-f - clear all locks and counters. use with great caution.

normally used to recover from an abnormal termination.

Linux網路流量實時監控工具 ifstat

介紹 ifstat工具是個網路介面監測工具,比較簡單看網路流量 ifstat的安裝使用 wget tar xzvf ifstat 1.1.tar.gz cd ifstat 1.1 configure make make install 例項 預設使用 ifstat eth0 eth1 kb s in...

Linux網路流量實時監控工具 ifstat

ifstat工具是個網路介面監測工具,比較簡單看網路流量 ifstat的安裝使用 wget tar xzvf ifstat 1.1.tar.gz cd ifstat 1.1 configure make make install 例項 預設使用 ifstat eth0 eth1 kb s in kb...


linux網路流量實時監控工具之iptraf 我的linux,讓linux更易用 iptraf是乙個網路監控工具,功能比nload更強大,可以監控所有的流量,ip流量,按協議分的流量,還可以設定過濾器等,如下圖 對監控網路來說,這個更適合也更強大,但在總的流量顯示上,沒nload直觀和方便 原始碼安...