《android repo 魔法》
《why git is better than svn》
《version control with repo and git》
提供 --mirror 引數呼叫 repo init ,建立 git 版本庫轉殖
$ repo init -u git: --mirror
使用 --morror 則下一步進行源同步的時候,本地按照源的版本庫組織方式進行組織,否則會按照 manifest.xml 指定的方式重新組織並檢出到本地
[cpp]view plain
repo init -h
usage: repo init -u url [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
logging options:
-q, --quiet be quiet
manifest options:
-u url, --manifest-url=url
manifest repository location
-b revision, --manifest-branch=revision
manifest branch or revision
-m name.xml, --manifest-name=name.xml
initial manifest file
--mirror mirror the forrest
--reference=dir location of mirror directory
--depth=depth create a shallow clone with given depth; see git clone
-g group, --groups=group
restrict manifest projects to ones with a specified
-p platform, --platform=platform
restrict manifest projects to ones with a
specifiedplatform group
repo version options:
--repo-url=url repo repository location
repo branch or revision
--no-repo-verify do not verify repo source code
other options:
--config-name always prompt for name/e-mail
repo sync 用-c, --current-branch來指定只抓取特定分支的** !
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