bool filei***ists(lpcstr filepath)
return true;
time_t filetimetotime_t(filetime ft)
time_t getlastwritetimeuntilnow(const std::string& filename)
int directorylist(lpcstr path,std::string paramformart)
while(::findnextfile(herror, &finddata))
// 構造完整路徑
wsprintf(fullpathname, "%s\\%s", path,finddata.cfilename);
if (finddata.dwfileattributes & file_attribute_directory)
//file* fp = fopen(fullpathname, " a+");
//if(fp==null) //如果失敗了
printf("transform file: %s \n", fullpathname);
hinstance hnewexe = shellexecutea(null, "open", "ffmpeg.exe", param , null, sw_show);
} }return 0;
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檔案處理 函式
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