通用工具auto ptr 模板智慧型指標

2021-06-21 09:43:20 字數 1406 閱讀 7233

//#include "stdafx.h"

#includeusing namespace std;

namespace gq

};typedef t element_type;

explicit auto_ptr(t*ptr = null)throw() //遮蔽掉隱式構造

// auto_ptrobj = new int(10);//error auto_ptrobj(new int(10))//right


templateauto_ptr(auto_ptr&ptr)throw() //將派生類物件傳給基類時呼叫


auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr &ptr)throw() //賦值轉換

templateauto_ptr& operator =(auto_ptr& ptr)throw() //將派生類物件傳給基類時呼叫

t* get()const throw()

t& operator*()const throw()

t* operator->()const throw() //使用初始化t型別中操作函式或資料成員


~auto_ptr() throw()

//member functions

//release ownership

t* release()throw();

// reset value

void reset(t* ptr = null)throw()


auto_ptr(auto_ptr_refyp)throw() //auto_ptr_ref相當於傳入乙個該型別實參

auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr_refrhs)throw()

templateoperator auto_ptr_ref() throw() //將auto_ptr convert to auto_ptr_ref

templateoperator auto_ptr()throw() //auto_ptr convert to auto_ptr


t *ap;

}; //拷貝構造

templateauto_ptr::auto_ptr(auto_ptr &ptr)throw()


templatet* auto_ptr::release()throw() };

class ca

*/ void fun()

4 通用工具

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