
2021-06-20 13:26:38 字數 1488 閱讀 6685


語法:usage: hive [-hiveconf x=y]* [<-i filename>]* [<-f filename>|<-e query-string>] [-s]

-i : initialization sql from file (executed automatically and silently before any other commands)

-e 'quoted query string': 執行引號內sql查詢語句 sql from command line

-f :從檔案中執行sql語句 sql from file

-s: silent mode in interactive shell where only data is emitted

-hiveconf x=y: use this to set hive/hadoop configuration variables.

-e 與 -f 不能同時使用。in the absence of these options, interactive shell is started. 但是,-i 能夠與任意引數同時使用。多個 –i 的例項可以用來執行多個初始化指令碼scripts。however, -i can be used with any other options. multiple instances of -i can be used to execute multiple init scripts.

通過命令:hive –h 可以檢視應用的幫助文件.to see this usage help, run hive -h


$hive_home/bin/ hive -e 'select count(*) from c02_clickstat_fatdt1'

example of setting hive configuration variables

$hive_home/bin/hive -e 'select a.col from tab1 a' -hiveconf

hive.exec.scratchdir=/home/my/hive_scratch -hiveconf mapred.reduce.tasks=32


hive_home/bin/hive -s -e ' select count(*) from c02_clickstat_fatdt1' > a.txt


hive_home/bin/hive -f /home/my/hive-script.sql

example of running an initialization script before entering interactive mode

hive_home/bin/hive -i /home/my/hive-init.sql


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