
2021-06-20 07:41:33 字數 1478 閱讀 6260



if  exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(n'[dbo].[#data]') and type in (n'u'))

drop table [dbo].[#data]

create table #data(name varchar(100),row varchar(100),reserved varchar(100),data varchar(100),index_size varchar(100),unused varchar(100))

declare @name varchar(100)

declare cur cursor  for

select name from sysobjects where xtype='u' order by name

open cur

fetch next from cur into @name

while @@fetch_status=0


insert into #data

exec sp_spaceused   @name

print @name

fetch next from cur into @name


close cur

deallocate cur

if  exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(n'[dbo].[#datanew]') and type in (n'u'))

drop table [dbo].[#datanew]

create table #datanew(name varchar(100),row int,reserved int,data int,index_size int,unused int)

insert into #datanew

select name,convert(int,row) as row,convert(int,replace(reserved,'kb','')) as reserved,convert(int,replace(data,'kb','')) as data,

convert(int,replace(index_size,'kb','')) as index_size,convert(int,replace(unused,'kb','')) as unused from #data 

select * from #datanew order by data desc   

--select * from mchk_his;

--truncate table mchk_his;

--delete from mchk_his;


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