引數:int _stat(
const char *path,
struct _stat *buffer
struct stat ;
輸出大致如下:// crt_stat.c
// this program uses the _stat function to
// report information about the file named crt_stat.c.
#include #include #include #include #include int main( void )
printf( "time modified : %s", timebuf );
file size :732
drive :c:
time modified :thu feb 07 14:39:36 2002
int _stat(
const char *path,
struct _stat *buffer
);int _stat32(
const char *path,
struct __stat32 *buffer
);int _stat64(
const char *path,
struct __stat64 *buffer
);int _stati64(
const char *path,
struct _stati64 *buffer
);int _stat32i64(str
const char *path,
struct _stat32i64 *buffer
);int _stat64i32(str
const char *path,
struct _stat64i32 *buffer
);int _wstat(
const wchar_t *path,
struct _stat *buffer
);int _wstat32(
const wchar_t *path,
struct __stat32 *buffer
);int _wstat64(
const wchar_t *path,
struct __stat64 *buffer
);int _wstati64(
const wchar_t *path,
struct _stati64 *buffer
);int _wstat32i64(
const wchar_t *path,
struct _stat32i64 *buffer
);int _wstat64i32(
const wchar_t *path,
struct _stat64i32 *buffer
c 獲取檔案資訊 stat函式的使用
stat函式用來獲取指定路徑的檔案或者資料夾的資訊。cpp view plain copy int stat const char path,struct stat buffer 引數 path 檔案或者資料夾的路徑 buffer 獲取的資訊儲存在記憶體中 返回值 正確 返回0 錯誤 返回 1,具體...
函式原型 intstat constchar pathname,structstat buf 函式說明 給stat 函式傳遞乙個 pathname stat 函式返回乙個與此命名檔案有關的資訊結構,該資訊結構中包含檔案的基本資訊。include include include include inc...
C語言stat 函式 獲取檔案狀態
相關函式 fstat,lstat,chmod,chown,readlink,utime 標頭檔案 include include 定義函式 int stat const char file name,struct stat buf 函式說明 stat 用來將引數file name 所指的檔案狀態,複...