alter procedure [dbo].[selectt_pub_user_proclassuser] --查詢學員資訊
@classid varchar(20)
selectxuhao=identity(int,1,1),a.user_id , ,a .*** ,a.id_card_num ,a .work_unit ,a .subject ,a .celphone , ,a.qqinto #temp
from t_pub_user as a,t_pub_user_class as b
where a .user_id =b .userid and b.ctype=7 and
select * from #temp
drop table #temp
Oracle Mysql儲存過程中獲取客戶端IP
oracle mysql儲存過程中獲取客戶端ip 由於工作原因,我們往往需要在資料庫中獲取客戶端ip,對於oracle資料庫非常方便。sys context userenv ip address select v random, into v random2,v host from in...
use northwind go 儲存過程1 功能 通過員工firstname inputempfirstname 獲得 員工id outid if exists select name from sysobjects where name p getempleeidbyname and type ...
例子 create or replace procedure proc1 para1 varchar2,para2 out varchar2,para3 in out varchar2 as v name varchar2 20 變數宣告塊 緊跟著的as is 關鍵字,可以理解為pl sql的dec...