
2021-06-19 05:29:44 字數 2780 閱讀 8733

//在linux執行 jmap -heap [pid] 


attaching to process id 23990, please wait...

warning: the type "const char*" (declared in the remote vm in vmstructs::localhotspotvmtypes) had its size declared as 8 twice. continuing.

warning: the type "const size_t" (declared in the remote vm in vmstructs::localhotspotvmtypes) had its size declared as 8 twice. continuing.

warning: the type "const int" (declared in the remote vm in vmstructs::localhotspotvmtypes) had its size declared as 4 twice. continuing.

warning: the type "const memregion" (declared in the remote vm in vmstructs::localhotspotvmtypes) had its size declared as 16 twice. continuing.

debugger attached successfully.

server compiler detected.

jvm version is 21.0-b17

using parallel threads in the new generation.

using thread-local object allocation.

concurrent mark-sweep gc

heap configuration:

minheapfreeratio = 40

maxheapfreeratio = 70

maxheapsize = 5368709120 (5120.0mb)

newsize = 1073741824 (1024.0mb)

maxnewsize = 1073741824 (1024.0mb)

oldsize = 5439488 (5.1875mb)

newratio = 2

survivorratio = 8

permsize = 536870912 (512.0mb)

maxpermsize = 536870912 (512.0mb)

heap usage:

new generation (eden + 1 survivor space):

capacity = 966393856 (921.625mb)

used = 282829160 (269.7269058227539mb)

free = 683564696 (651.8980941772461mb)

29.266448482056575% used

eden space:

capacity = 859045888 (819.25mb)

used = 203344848 (193.9247589111328mb)

free = 655701040 (625.3252410888672mb)

23.671011157904523% used

from space:

capacity = 107347968 (102.375mb)

used = 79484312 (75.8021469116211mb)

free = 27863656 (26.572853088378906mb)

74.04361114688263% used

to space:

capacity = 107347968 (102.375mb)

used = 0 (0.0mb)

free = 107347968 (102.375mb)

0.0% used

concurrent mark-sweep generation:

capacity = 4294967296 (4096.0mb)

used = 46904664 (44.731773376464844mb)

free = 4248062632 (4051.268226623535mb)

1.0920843109488487% used

perm generation:

capacity = 536870912 (512.0mb)

used = 81989448 (78.19123077392578mb)

free = 454881464 (433.8087692260742mb)

15.27172476053238% used


jmap -dump:format=b,file=memory.log [pid]

使用jhat分析jvm堆dump檔案的工具,基於此工具可以分析jvm heap中物件占用狀況

jhat -j-xmx1024m [file]

執行後等待console中輸出started http server on port 7000


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