
2021-06-18 13:14:53 字數 2360 閱讀 8551


case when 實現行轉列


create  procedure line_to_col()


declare i int;

declare _chinese int;

declare _math int;

declare _english int;

declare _name varchar(10);

declare test_cursor cursor for select name from user;

select count(*) into i from user;

create temporary table tmp_tab(

name varchar(10),

chinese_score int,

math_socre int,

english_score int);

if i> 0 then

open test_cursor;

repeat fetch test_cursor into _name;

select score into _chinese from user where subject = 'chinese' and name =_name;

select score into _math from user where subject = 'math' and name =_name;

select score into _english from user where subject = 'english' and name =_name;

insert into tmp_tab values(_name,_chinese,_math,_english);

set i=i-1;

until i=0 end repeat;

close test_cursor;

end if;

select distinct * from tmp_tab;

drop table tmp_tab;




declare test_cursor cursor for select


name from user;這樣設定游標之後,執行儲存過程,報錯提示沒有獲取任何資料。小小同志跟我解釋說,

游標是遍歷用的,怎麼能distinct呢 ,只能對取數做distinct。

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