迴圈(looping),計數迴圈(counting loop),條件迴圈(conditional loop)。
1 計數迴圈,for迴圈
每一次迴圈稱為一次迭代(iteration)。for looper in [1,2,3,4,5]:
print "hello"
這次和上次顯示的不同,是不是,如果迴圈出錯形成無限迴圈怎麼辦啊,中斷迴圈(ctrl+c)。for looper in [1,2,3,4,5]:
print looper
for looper in [1,2,3,4,5]:
print looper, "times 8 =", looper * 8
>>> ******************************== restart ******************************==
1 times 8 = 8
2 times 8 = 16
3 times 8 = 24
4 times 8 = 32
5 times 8 = 40
執行結果如下for looper in range (1,5):
print looper, "times 8 =", looper * 8
和上面顯示的結果有點不一樣,為什麼呢?>>> ******************************== restart ******************************==
1 times 8 = 8
2 times 8 = 16
3 times 8 = 24
4 times 8 = 32
迴圈變數命名的通用慣例:習慣用i,j,k作為迴圈變數,不應當有其他用途。例如for looper in range (1,11):
print looper, "times 8 =", looper * 8
range()的簡寫for i in range (1,5):
print i, "times 8 =", i * 8
大多數的程式都從0開始迴圈而不是從1開始。range()預設從0開始,步長為1.如果想步長為2計數,可以這樣for i in range (5):
# 與寫作 for i in range (0, 5): 完全相同
print i, "times 8 =", i * 8
反向計數for i in range (1,10,2):
print i
再來個反向計數的例子,步長為-1後迴圈作反向計數for i in range (10, 1, -1):
print i
# 與孩子一起學程式設計08章
# 2023年8月27日14:03:52
# range()迴圈反向計數-2 8-10
import time
for i in range (10, 0, -1):
print i
print "blast off!"
執行結果for cool_guy in ["spongebob", "spoderman", "justin timberlake", "my dad"]:
print cool_guy, "is the coolest guy ever!"
spongebob is the coolest guy ever!
spoderman is the coolest guy ever!
justin timberlake is the coolest guy ever!
my dad is the coolest guy ever!
2 條件迴圈,while迴圈
執行結果print "type 3 to continue, anything else to quit."
someinput = raw_input()
while someinput == '3':
print "thank you for the 3. very kind of you."
print "type 3 to continue, anything else to quit."
someinput = raw_input()
print "that's not 3, so i'm quitting now."
type 3 to continue, anything else to quit.
3thank you for the 3. very kind of you.
type 3 to continue, anything else to quit.
3thank you for the 3. very kind of you.
type 3 to continue, anything else to quit.
3thank you for the 3. very kind of you.
type 3 to continue, anything else to quit.
5that's not 3, so i'm quitting now.
3 跳出迴圈——break和continue
執行結果for i in range (1, 6):
print 'i =', i,
print 'hello, how',
if i == 3:
print 'are you today?'
i = 1 hello, how are you today?
i = 2 hello, how are you today?
i = 3 hello, how
i = 4 hello, how are you today?
i = 5 hello, how are you today?
執行結果for i in range (1, 6):
print 'i =', i,
print 'hello, how',
if i == 3:
print 'are you today?'
i = 1 hello, how are you today?
i = 2 hello, how are you today?
i = 3 hello, how
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python內建了乙個輸入函式 raw input 與孩子一起學程式設計05章 2013年8月21日16 03 04 學習raw input 輸入函式 print enter your name name raw input print hi name,how are you today.如果在pr...
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