讀了田海立老師的兩篇文章 wince系統的同步機制
關於 windows ce 系統中同步機制的思考,受益匪淺。於是寫**驗證了一下,
// testthread.cpp : 定義控制台應用程式的入口點。
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include "threadtest.h"
//#include "pwinuser.h"
handle threadhdary[maxtdlen];
dword threadidary[maxtdlen];
int threadparam[maxtdlen];
bool finishflag[maxtdlen];
unsigned int threadcnt;
//critical_section g_cs;
int _tmain(int argc, _tchar* argv)
if (null!=threadhdary[threadcnt])
}// bool rtnflag=false;
// threadparam[threadcnt]=threadcnt+1;
// threadhdary[threadcnt]=createthread(
// null, //lpsecurity_attributes lpsa,the security attributes for the new thread.
// null, //dword dwstacksize,the stack size for the new thread.
// thread1proc, //the thread procedure of the new thread.
// threadparam+threadcnt, //void* pvparam,the parameter to be passed to the thread procedure.
// create_suspended, //0:立即執行,create_suspended;需要被喚醒
// &threadidary[threadcnt]); //[out] address of the dword variable that, on success, receives the thread id of the newly created thread.
// rtnflag=cesetthreadpriority(threadhdary[threadcnt],120);
// //rtnflag=cesetthreadpriority(threadhdary+threadcnt,255);//最初寫錯了
// // dword tempdw=getlasterror();
// if (!rtnflag)
// threadcnt++;
// threadparam[threadcnt]=threadcnt+1;
// threadhdary[threadcnt]=createthread(
// null, //lpsecurity_attributes lpsa,the security attributes for the new thread.
// null, //dword dwstacksize,the stack size for the new thread.
// thread2proc, //the thread procedure of the new thread.
// threadparam+threadcnt, //void* pvparam,the parameter to be passed to the thread procedure.
// 0, //0:立即執行,create_suspended;需要被喚醒
// &threadidary[threadcnt]); //[out] address of the dword variable that, on success, receives the thread id of the newly created thread.
// rtnflag=cesetthreadpriority(threadhdary[threadcnt],120);
// if (!rtnflag)
// // threadcnt++;
// threadparam[threadcnt]=threadcnt+1;
// threadhdary[threadcnt]=createthread(
// null, //lpsecurity_attributes lpsa,the security attributes for the new thread.
// null, //dword dwstacksize,the stack size for the new thread.
// thread3proc, //the thread procedure of the new thread.
// threadparam+threadcnt, //void* pvparam,the parameter to be passed to the thread procedure.
// 0, //0:立即執行,create_suspended;需要被喚醒
// &threadidary[threadcnt]); //[out] address of the dword variable that, on success, receives the thread id of the newly created thread.
// rtnflag=cesetthreadpriority(threadhdary[threadcnt],60);
// if (!rtnflag)
while (true)
} for (int i=0;i執行緒函式體定義放在了另外乙個cpp裡
//critical_section g_cs;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "threadtest.h"
critical_section g_cs;
fstream testfile;
dword threadproc(lpvoid lpparm)//測試移入.h
{ int exterparam=*(int *)lpparm;
int threadparam=exterparam-1;//相對量
{ entercriticalsection(&g_cs);
exterparam=*(int *)lpparm;
//cout<<"thread "<
#ifndef thread_test_h
#define thread_test_h
#include "iostream"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "fstream"
using namespace std;
using namespace std;
#define maxtdlen 20
dword threadproc(lpvoid);
dword thread1proc(lpvoid);
dword thread2proc(lpvoid);
dword thread3proc(lpvoid);
extern critical_section g_cs;
extern fstream testfile;
extern bool finishflag[maxtdlen];
// dword thread1proc(lpvoid lpparm)//測試移入.h
// {
// while(true)
// {
// entercriticalsection(&g_cs);
// int cnt=*(int *)lpparm;
// cout<<"thread "《還有一點,wince6.0支援的最大程序數增加了,不止32個。
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