Matlab 對本文資料讀取函式fscanf用法

2021-06-16 22:55:05 字數 1068 閱讀 9554

read data from txt


l  a=fscanf(fid,format)

l  [a, count]=fscanf(fid,format,size) 

l  [a, count]=fscanf(fid,format,size)


x = 0:.1:1;

y = [x; exp(x)];

fid = fopen('exp.txt', 'w');

fprintf(fid, '%6.2f %12.8f\n', y);



% 0.00          1.00000000

% 0.10          1.10517092

% 0.20          1.22140276

% 0.30          1.34985881

% 0.40          1.49182470

% 0.50          1.64872127

% 0.60          1.82211880

% 0.70          2.01375271

% 0.80          2.22554093

% 0.90          2.45960311

% 1.00          2.71828183

% read the data, filling a in column order

% first line of the file:

%    0.00    1.00000000

fid = fopen('exp.txt');

a = fscanf(fid, '%g %g', [2 inf]);%inf表示讀到檔案的末尾



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