這裡使用的是內連線(inner join),也稱為等值連線。select username, post_time, content
from user as u, post as p, answer as a
where u.uid = p.uid and p.aid = a.aid and a.qid = 9
這個查詢涉及到ask、question、answer三張表。麻煩的地方在於直接對answer表使用count函式只能統計出有回答的問題的回答數量,對於那些沒有回答的問題則無能為力。此時我們要使用外連線(outer join);內連線只顯示能夠連線上的行,而外連線能把連線不上的行也顯示出來。外連線的語法格式為:from table1 left outer join table2 on table1.id = table2.id。
步驟2:select q.qid, q.title, q.detail, a.ask_time
from question as q, ask as a
where q.qid = a.qid and a.uid = 9
將步驟1的查詢語句代入到步驟2中,得到巢狀的查詢語句:select t.ask_time, t.title, t.detail, t.qid, count(ans.aid) as answers
from table1 as t left outer join answer as ans
where t.qid = ans.qid
group by t.qid
這樣的查詢語句稱為包含子查詢的查詢語句。子查詢不僅能夠包含在from子句中,也還能包含在where子句中。select t.ask_time, t.title, t.detail, t.qid, count(ans.aid) as answers
from (
select q1.qid, q1.title, q1.detail, a.ask_time
from ask as a, question as q1
where a.qid = q1.qid and a.uid = $uid
) as t left outer join answer as ans
on t.qid = ans.qid
group by t.qid
步驟1:篩選出經度範圍為[115, 117],緯度範圍為[37, 40]內的問題
記為t1步驟2::連線answers表,統計問題的回答數select * from question as q1
where 115 <= q1.longitude and q1.longitude <= 117
and 37 <= q1.latitude and q1.latitude <= 40
記為t2步驟3:從user表和ask表中選出username和ask_timeselect t1.qid, t1.title, t1.detail, t1.longitude, t1.latitude, count(ans.aid) as answers
from t1 left outer join answers as ans
on t1.qid = ans.qid
group by t1.qid
將以上查詢合併成一條查詢語句:select u.username, a.ask_time, t2.qid, t2.title, t2.detail, t2.longitude, t2.latitude, answers
from user as u, ask as a, t2
where u.uid = a.uid and a.qid = t2.qid
select u.username, a.ask_time, t2.qid, t2.title, t2.detail, t2.longitude, t2.latitude, answers
from user as u, ask as a,
( select t1.qid, t1.title, t1.detail, t1.longitude, t1.latitude, count(ans.aid) as answers
from (
select * from question as q1
where 115 <= q1.longitude and q1.longitude <= 117
and 37 <= q1.latitude and q1.latitude <= 40
)as t1 left outer join answer as ans
on t1.qid = ans.qid
group by t1.qid
) as t2
where u.uid = a.uid and a.qid = t2.qid;
假設一堆男女在教堂,有夫婦有單身的,假設男為左表,女為右表 教父說 結了婚的人請出去,結了婚的人請手拉手,於是結了婚的男女站了起來,這就是inner 內連 教父說 男的並且和這些男的結婚的女的請出去,結了婚的人請手拉手,於是,結了婚的夫婦手拉手出去,單身的男的也出去了。這就是 left 左連 教父說...
SQL查詢 內連線 外連線 自連線查詢
先建立2個表 學生表和教師表 在每個表中找出符合條件的共有記錄。x inner join y on.第一種寫法 只用where select t.teacher name,s.student name from teacher t,student s where t.id s.teacher id ...
SQL 內連線,外連線
假設一堆男女在教堂,有夫婦有單身的,假設男為左表,女為右表 教父說 結了婚的人請出去,結了婚的人請手拉手,於是結了婚的男女站了起來,這就是inner 內連 教父說 男的並且和這些男的結婚的女的請出去,結了婚的人請手拉手,於是,結了婚的夫婦手拉手出去,單身的男的也出去了。這就是 left 左連 教父說...