很久沒用tp了,覺得tp 用久了,都不知道php為何物。來到了公司又用起了tp2.1,行,沒問題,哥之前用過3.1.
alter table `tbl_attendance` add column `check_unnormal` int null default 1 after `geo_normal`;
alter table `tbl_attendance` drop column `real_name`;
select usr_cal.user_id,usr_cal.real_name,
ifnull(sum(checkintbl.nolate),0) as checkin_late_sum,
ifnull (sum(checkintbl.geo_normal),0) as checkin_geo_unnormal_sum,
ifnull (sum(checkouttbl.nolate),0) as checkout_late_sum,
ifnull (sum(checkouttbl.geo_normal),0) as checkout_geo_unnormal_sum,
ifnull (sum(checkintbl.check_unnormal),0) as checkin_check_sum,
ifnull (sum(checkouttbl.check_unnormal),0) as checkout_check_sum,
ifnull (sum(coalesce(checkintbl.nocheck,1)),0) as checkin_nocheck_sum,
ifnull (sum(coalesce(checkouttbl.nocheck,1)),0) as checkout_nocheck_sum
(select usr.user_id,usr.real_name,workday.date from
(select tbl_calendar.* from tbl_calendar
where date >='2013-07-01' and date<='2013-07-06'
and isorwork=0 ) workday,
(select tbl_user.* from tbl_user,tbl_group_member
where tbl_user.user_id = tbl_group_member.user_id
and tbl_group_member.group_id = 1
) usr
) usr_cal
left join
(select user_id,checkdate,nolate,geo_normal,0 as nocheck,check_unnormal from tbl_attendance ,tbl_calendar
where type = 1
and checkdate >='2013-07-01' and checkdate <='2013-07-06'
and tbl_attendance.checkdate = tbl_calendar.date
and tbl_calendar.isorwork=0
) checkintbl
on usr_cal.user_id = checkintbl.user_id and usr_cal.date =checkintbl.checkdate
left join
(select user_id,checkdate,nolate,geo_normal,0 as nocheck,check_unnormal from tbl_attendance,tbl_calendar
where type = 2
and checkdate >='2013-07-01' and checkdate <='2013-07-06'
and tbl_attendance.checkdate = tbl_calendar.date
and tbl_calendar.isorwork=0
) checkouttbl
on usr_cal.user_id = checkouttbl.user_id and usr_cal.date =checkouttbl.checkdate
group by usr_cal.user_id
$sql = "select usr_cal.user_id,usr_cal.real_name,coalesce(checktbl.nocheck,1) as nocheck,coalesce(checktbl.nolate,0) as late,
coalesce(checktbl.geo_normal,0) as geo_normal,checktbl.checktime,checktbl.address
select usr.user_id,usr.real_name,workday.date from
(select tbl_calendar.* from tbl_calendar
where date="."'".$date."'"."
and isorwork=0 ) workday,
(select tbl_user.* from tbl_user,tbl_group_member
where tbl_user.user_id = tbl_group_member.user_id
and tbl_group_member.group_id = $group_id and tbl_user.type!=-11 and tbl_group_member.user_type = 4
) usr
) usr_cal
left join
(select user_id,checkdate,nolate,checktime,geo_normal,0 as nocheck,check_unnormal,address from (select tbl_attendance.*,tbl_geo.address from tbl_attendance,tbl_geo
where tbl_attendance.geo_id = tbl_geo.geo_id and tbl_attendance.group_id = $group_id
) attend ,tbl_calendar
where type = $type
and checkdate ="."'".$date."'"."
and attend.checkdate = tbl_calendar.date
and tbl_calendar.isorwork=0
) checktbl
on usr_cal.user_id = checktbl.user_id and usr_cal.date =checktbl.checkdate where $where_search
group by usr_cal.user_id order by nocheck desc,late asc,geo_normal asc
不管是2.1還是3.1都是這麼說的,我怎麼嘗試怎麼不行,怎麼查怎麼不行,$model = m();網上的解決方案,也不行,問梁哥,說隨便例項化乙個物件就行了,各種嘗試
$tag = m('tag');
$tag = new model('tag');
$tag->query('select * from tbl_tag');這麼簡單的都不行,我徹底無語,崩潰了,
貼上了$group = d('group');$group->query($sql); 結果出來了,就這麼出來了,怎麼就這麼不靈活呢,就不知道m和d換著試試,
dml 資料操作語言 適用物件 表中的資料 功能 1 向表中新增資料 mysql insert into goods id,name,price,type values 2,褲子 100,服裝 注意 如果我們新增資料時,每一列的值都不為空的話,我們可以省去列,如下 mysql insert into...
SQL 語法之「增」 「刪」 「改」 「查」
四 查1.普通查詢 語法 select 列名 from 表名 where 查詢條件表達試 order by 排序的列 名 asc或desc 1 查詢全部資料行和列 例 select from a 說明 查詢a表中全部行和 2 查詢部分行列 條件查詢 例 select i,j,k from a whe...